Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Weh Island, Hidden Paradise at the Tip of Sumatra

Weh Island, Hidden Paradise at the Tip of Sumatra
Pulau Weh is a small island which is located on the westernmost island of the archipelago in Indonesia. In fact, this island used to be one with the island of Sumatra, but due to a volcanic eruption during the Pleistocene era, this island was separated from Sumatra.

Weh Island, Hidden Paradise at the Tip of Sumatra
Pulau Weh is famous for its ecosystem. The Indonesian government has designated an area of ​​60 km² from the edge of the island both inward and outward as a nature reserve. Megamouth sharks can be found on the beaches of this island. In addition, this island is the only habitat for the endangered frog, Bufo Valhalla (genus Bufo). Coral reefs around the island are known as habitats for various fish species. The existence of Pulau Weh has not been touched even though its size is not large and access is easy.

Diving on Pulau Weh is a fun recreational activity. Guided by experienced divers and dive instructors, they are ready to offer various dive sites such as the Marine Park on Rubiah Island. Apart from that, you will also find lots of fun marine animals, especially manta rays, sharks, whales, dolphins, and turtles.

Even though it is only a small island, the natural beauty and exotic underwater panorama of Pulau Weh will provide an experience that will never be forgotten.

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