Friday, May 3, 2019

History of the University of Indonesia

The University of Indonesia is a modern, comprehensive, open, multicultural, and humanist campus that covers a broad range of disciplines. UI is currently simultaneously trying to become one of the leading research universities or academic institutions in the world. As a research university, efforts to achieve the highest achievements in terms of discovery, development, and diffusion of knowledge regionally and globally are always carried out. Meanwhile, UI has also deepened its commitment to its efforts in the field of academic development and research activities through a number of disciplines within its scope.

History The forerunner of the University of Indonesia began in 1849 and the University of Indonesia is a representative educational institution with the oldest history in Asia. Having produced more than 400,000 alumni, Universitas Indonesia continues to play an important role at the national and world levels. However, UI cannot escape from its current mission of becoming a high-quality educational institution, world-standard research, and maintaining prestige standards in a number of international journals.

Dutch Occupation Period (1849-1946)
The Dutch Colonial Government 1849 built a university which was later named Dokter-Djawa School (School of Medicine for Javanese) in January 1851, this high school specializing in medical science.

After experiencing a name change at the end of the 19th century, in 1898 to be precise, the name Dokter-Djawa School changed to School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (School of Medicine for Indigenous Doctors) or STEVIA. For 75 years STEVIA served as the best educational place for aspiring doctors in Indonesia before it was closed in 1927.

However, a medical school was later built together with four other high schools in several cities in Java. The high schools were Technische Hogeschool te Bandoeng (Faculty of Engineering) which was established in Bandung in 1920, Recht Hoogeschool (Faculty of Law) in Batavia in 1924, Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte (Faculty of Literature and Humanities) in Batavia in 1940, and a year later they were built Faculteit van Landbouwweteschap (Faculty of Agriculture) in Bogor.

These five high schools were the pillars in creating the Good-Universiteit (Emergency University), which was founded in 1946.

Doctor Java School
Age of Independence (1947-the 1960s)
Nood-universiteit changed its name to Universiteit van Indonesie in 1947 and was based in Jakarta. Several nationalist professors, one of whom is Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, continued his function as a lecturer for Universiteit van Indonesia in Yogyakarta, then the nation's capital.

The Indonesian capital then returned to Jakarta in 1949 after the Dutch recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Universiteit van Indonesia Yogjakarta also moved again to Jakarta.

Universiteit van Indonesië was later merged into "Universiteit Indonesia" in 1950. This university has a Faculty of Medicine, Law, Letters, and Philosophy in Jakarta, a Faculty of Engineering located in Bandung, a Faculty of Agriculture in Bogor, a Faculty of Dentistry in Surabaya, and a Faculty of Economics in Makassar.

Faculties outside Jakarta then developed into separate universities between 1954-1963. The University of Indonesia in Jakarta has a campus in Salemba and consists of several faculties such as Medicine, Dentistry, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Literature, Law, Economics, and Engineering.

In subsequent developments, the Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Public Health, Computer Science, and then the Faculty of Nursing were established.

Doctor Java School
Modern Age (1970s-present)
Before the University of Indonesia campus in Depok was built in 1987, the University of Indonesia had three campus locations namely in Salemba, East Pegangsaan, and Rawamangun. After the new campus was established on 320 hectares of land in Depok, the Rawamangun campus was moved while the Salemba campus was still maintained for the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Postgraduate Programs.

Not long after 2000, the University of Indonesia became one of several universities with the status of a State Owned Legal Entity in Indonesia. This change in status brought significant changes to the University of Indonesia, namely greater autonomy in academic development and financial management so that the university grew to become a world-class university.

From this historical perspective, the University of Indonesia has grown progressively into an institution that aims to become a leader in the fields of humanity and civilization by balancing academic values, morality, and art. Through these advantages, the University of Indonesia intends to turn the Indonesian nation into a more prosperous and democratic society, with a focus on peace, justice, and strong environmental values.

1849-1898 Doctordjawaschool Batavia
1898-1927 School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen, Batavia
1909-1929 Opleidingschool voor Inlandsche Rechtskundigen, Batavia
1913-1942 Nederlandsch-Indische Veeartsenschool, Buitenzorg
1920-1921 Technische Hoogeschool, Bandoeng
1922-1924 Rechtschool, Batavia
1924-1942 Rechts-hoogeschool, Batavia
1924-1942 Technische-Hoogeschool, Bandoeng
1927-1942 Geneeskundige Hoogeschool, Batavia
1940-1942 Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, Batavia
1941-1942 Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschap, Batavia
1943-1945 Djakarta Ika Daigaku
1944-1945 Bandoeng Koogyo Daigaku

University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. College of Medicine, Jakarta
2. College of Law/Literature, Jakarta

1. Geneekundige Faculteit
2. Juncdiche Facultein
3. Faculteit der Letter en Wijbegerts
4. Technische Faculteit
5. Landbouwkundige Faculteit

University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. College of Medicine, Jakarta
2. College of Law/Literature, Jakarta

1. Faculteit der Geneekundige, Batavia
2. Faculteit van Technische Wetenschap, Bandoeng
3. Faculteit der Rechtsgekerdeid end canSociale Wetenschap, Batavia
4. Faculteit der Letter en Wijbegerts, Batavia
5. Faculteit van Landbouwwatenschap, Buitenzorg
6. Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschap - later the name was changed to Faculteit van Wiskunde en Natuurewtenschap, Bandung
7. Diergeneschundige Faculteit, Buitenzorg
8. Faculteit der Economiche Wetenschap, Makasar
9. Faculty of Geneskunde, Soerabaja
10. Other faculties whose types and places are determined by the Governor General

University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. College of Medicine, Jakarta
2. College of Law/Literature, Jakarta

February 1950
Universiteit Indonesia/University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
5. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
6. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
8. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Institute, Surabaya
9. Faculty of Economics, Makassar (temporarily closed)

February 1950-1954
Universiteit Indonesie/Higher Education Center of the Republic of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
9. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Institute, Surabaya
10. Branch of the Faculty of Law and Community Service from FH & PM UI Jakarta, Makassar
11. Faculty of Economics as a branch of the Faculty of Economics UI Jakarta, Makassar

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
9. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Institute, Surabaya
10. Faculty of Economics, Makassar
11. Faculty of Law, Makassar

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
9. Faculty of Economics, Makasar
10. Faculty of Law, Makasar

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Psychology, Jakarta
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Jakarta
8. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jakarta
9. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
10. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Psychology, Jakarta
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Jakarta
8. Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta
9. Faculty of Public Health, Jakarta
10. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta
11. Non-Degree Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
12. Non-Degree Faculty of Technology, Jakarta 
13. Postgraduate Faculty, Jakarta

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Depok Campus
3. Faculty of Letters, Depok Campus
4. Faculty of Economics, Depok Campus
5. Faculty of Psychology, Depok Campus
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Depok Campus
8. Faculty of Engineering, Depok Campus
9. Faculty of Public Health, Depok Campus
10. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Depok Campus
11. Faculty of Computer Science, Depok Campus
12. Faculty of Nursing, Depok Campus
13. Postgraduate Faculty, Salemba Campus - Jakarta

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Depok Campus
3. Faculty of Letters, Depok Campus
4. Faculty of Economics, Depok Campus
5. Faculty of Psychology, Depok Campus
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Depok Campus
8. Faculty of Engineering, Depok Campus
9. Faculty of Public Health, Depok Campus
10. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Depok Campus
11. Faculty of Computer Science, Depok Campus
12. Faculty of Nursing, Depok Campus
13. Postgraduate Faculty, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
14. Vocational Education Program, Depok Campus

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