Friday, May 3, 2019

History of Mount Krakatau Indonesia

sejarah gunung krakatau
In the beginning, the big island of Krakatau, which we usually call by the name of Mount Krakatau, was a mountain (ancient Mount Krakatau) which has a height of about 2000 meters above sea level with a circle of beaches of about 11 km and a radius of about 9 km2.

However, the devastating explosion that occurred around 416 AD destroyed three-quarters of the body of the mountain and left three large islands, namely Sertung Island, Rakata Island and Panjang Island, as well as a caldera in the middle of the three islands. Before 1883, two clusters of mountains appeared, named Mount Danan and Mount Perbuatan, which later united with Rakata Island and were commonly referred to as Mount Krakatau.

In 1880, the so-called Strombolian period, volcanic activity continued for several months, and Mount Perbuatan actively spewed lava. After that period, there was no volcanic activity until finally signs of an impending eruption appeared in May 1883.

Then on August 27, 1883 Mount Krakatau erupted. According to historical records, which until now have always been promoted by Lampung tourism ranks, Mount Krakatau erupted very violently, shaking the world. eruptions of lava and ash reached a height of 80 km. While the ashes surround the earth for several years. seen from North America and Europe, at that time the sun looks blue and the moon looks orange (orange).

This volcanic eruption produces great dust that can penetrate a distance of up to 90 km. The eruption also had an impact on sea waves up to 40 m vertically and has claimed around 36,000 lives in 165 villages both in South Lampung and west of West Java. And because of the eruption it has obliterated Mount Danan and Perbuatan from the face of the earth and left three islands namely Panjang Island, Sertung Island, and Rakata Besar Island as well as a caldera which is located in the middle of the three islands with a diameter of 7 km.

Forty years later a new miracle was born. Around 1927 the fishermen who were going to sea in the Sunda Strait were suddenly surprised. A plume of black smoke on the surface of the sea immediately appeared between the three islands, namely in the caldera, which was the site of the previous violent eruption. Then on December 29, 1929 a crater wall appeared to sea level which was also the source of the eruption. Only two years after the mysterious puff of smoke in the sea, then a strange object appeared. The original "face" of this strange object became clearer and clearer day by day and it turned out that it was what was later called Mount Anak Krakatau.

But the mystery of Mount Anak Krakatau doesn't end there. This mountain has its own uniqueness, because this mountain always adds about one inch in height every day. Mount Anak Krakatau, which was originally only a few meters away, can now reach 230 meters above sea level and has since appeared in 1927. This mountain was recorded to have erupted about 16 times from December 1927 to August 1930 and 43 times from 1931-1960 and 13 times from 1961-2000.

(Quoted from various sources with processing)

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