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Friday, May 3, 2019

History of the Majapahit Empire

Who doesn't know about the Majapahit kingdom, surely everyone knows or at least has heard of this name. The biggest kingdom with a very famous governor is Patih Gajah Mada.

For more details about the Majapahit Kingdom, let's look at the description below which will explain the history of the Majapahit kingdom in detail from its founding to its collapse.

The Majapahit Kingdom is one of the largest kingdoms in Indonesia which is Hindu in style and is in East Java. This kingdom was founded by King Raden Wijaya who has the title Kertarajasa Jayawardana and is a descendant of Ken Arok, king of Singosari in 1293 AD.

In addition, this kingdom is also touted as a kingdom that has the largest territory in Indonesia, which is in power in Indonesia.

Actually, the Majapahit kingdom was established because of an attack from Jayakatwang (Duke of Kediri) who succeeded in killing the Singosari kingdom, the latter being called Kertanegara, for refusing to pay tribute.

Furthermore, Raden Wijaya (Kertanegara's son-in-law) managed to ask permission from Madura to ask permission from Aryawiraraja. Then Raden Wijaya entitled a forest of interest by Aryawiraraja to be used in his territory and in the end it was created in a new village with the name Majapahit.

Majapahit comes from the word "Maja fruit" and "bitter taste". Not long after the Mongolian troops led by Shis-Pi, Ike-Mise, and Kau Hsing came to Java. Which is none other than with the aim of punishing Kertanegara for refusing to pay tribute to Mongolian troops.
Raden Wijaya took advantage of cooperation with Mongolian troops to attack Jayaketwang's troops. And in the end, the Mongolian troops with the help of Raden Wijaya won by killing Jayaketwang. Not long after, Raden Wijaya expelled the Mongolian troops from the land of Java.

The Majapahit Empire reached its peak during the reign of King Hayam Wuruk (1350-1389). The greatness of the kingdom was supported by regular agriculture, smooth and advanced trade, a strong sea transport fleet, and being led by Hayam Wuruk with Gajah Mada as the prime minister.

Under Patih Gajah Mada, Majapahit conquered many other areas. With the spirit of unity he had, and made a Palapa Oath which read "HE WILL NOT EAT PALAPA FRUIT BEFORE SUCCESSFULLY UNITES THE WHOLE REGION".

Mpu Prapanca in his book Negara Kertagama tells about the glorious era of the kingdom in the time of Hayam Wuruk and also the genealogy of the previous king in 1364 Gajah Mada died compiled by Hayam Wuruk in 1389 and the Majapahit kingdom began to decline.

The Majapahit Empire reached its golden age when it was led by Hayam Wuruk with his prime minister Gajah Mada who was famous for the Palapa Oath. Majapahit conquered almost the entire archipelago and spread its wings throughout Southeast Asia. At this time the Malang area was no longer the center of power because it was suspected that it had moved to the Nganjuk area. According to experts in Malang placed a ruler who is called Raja anyway.
In Negara Kertagama it is told that Hayam Wuruk as the King of Majapahit made a pilgrimage to the graves of his ancestors (which are located around the Malang area), one of which is near Ken Arok's grave. This shows that although it is not the center of government, Malang is a sacred area because it is the burial ground of the ancestors who are worshiped as Gods.

Several inscriptions and statues left by Majapahit at the peak of Mount Semeru and also on Mount Arjuna show that the area of ​​the mountain is the abode of the Gods and that only the descendants of the king are allowed to set foot in the area. It can be concluded that these various relics are a series that are interconnected even though they are separated by different periods throughout the 7 centuries.

Majapahit collapse
There is a story that Adipati Terung asked Sultan Bintara alias Raden Fatah, who was still his older brother, to face King Brawijaya. But the Sultan of Demak refused because his father was still considered an infidel.

Brawijaya is the King of Majapahit, a Hindu kingdom that once triumphed in Java. Even then Raden Fatah then gathered the coastal regents such as Tuban, Madura, and Surabaya as well as the Sunans to jointly attack the infidel Majapahit.

Soldiers of Islam were deployed to surround the royal capital. Because he was reluctant to fight with his own son, Prabu Brawijaya escaped from the palace with his followers who were still loyal. So when Raden Fatah and his entourage (including the Sunan) arrived, the palace was empty. On Sunan Ampel's advice, to offer all the influence of a non-believer king, Sunan Gresik was appointed king of Majapahit for 40 days. After that, it was handed over to Sultan Bintara to be brought to Demak.

This story is still embellished again, that is, after Majapahit fell, Adipati Terung was assigned to carry the Majapahit king's passband to Demak to later be used as the porch of the mosque. Adipati Bintara was then titled "Senapati Jinbun Ngabdurrahman Panembahan Palembang Sayidina Panatagama".

The story about the invasion of the Majapahit army can be found in "BABAD TANAH JAWI". But a similar story is also found in "Serat Kanda". As mentioned, Adipati Bintara and his followers rebelled against King Brawijaya. The Majapahit army was led by Mahapatih Gajah Mada, Duke of Eggplant and Andayaningrat (Regent of Pengging). Because he was afraid of Sheikh Lemah Abang, his teacher, Kebo Kenanga (Pengging Regent's son) defected to join the enemy. Meanwhile, his brother Kebo Kanigara remained loyal to the King of Brawijaya.

The Demak army under the leadership of Raden Imam was equipped with the magic weapon "Keris Makripat" given by Sunan Giri which can expel beetle pests and "Badhong" gifted by Sunan Cirebon which can bring storms. The Majapahit army was successfully beaten back to the capital, and only the Duke of Terung's house survived because he embraced Islam.

Due to the urgency, Prabu Brawijaya fled to (Tanjung) Sengguruh and his family accompanied by Patih Gajah Mada. It happened in 1399 Saka or 1477 AD. After being crowned the Sultan of Demak with the title "Panembahan Jinbun", the Adipati Bintara sent Lembu Peteng and jaran panoleh to sengguruh asking the King to convert to Islam. but he still refused. Finally, Sengguruh was attacked and Prabu Brawijaya fled to the island of Bali.

The story versions of BABAD TANAH JAWI and SERAT KANDA are popular among the Javanese people and have even been taught in some elementary schools in the past. Broadly speaking, the story can be said to show the victory of Islam. In fact, on the contrary, it can give a detrimental impression, because it seems as if Islam was developing in Java with violence and blood. In fact, this is not the case.

In addition to other facts, many reveal that Islam entered and developed in Java in a peaceful way. Also, the fact that the collapse of Majapahit also shows that it was not caused by the invasion of the Demak Islamic army.

Prof. Dr. Slamet Muljana in his book "Persada Restoration of the History of the Ancestors of Majapahit" extensively refutes the contents of the story based on historical evidence. It is said that the Babad Tanah Jawi and Serat Kanda were written in the XVII century at the time of Mataram without consulting reliable historical sources. These historical sources include several inscriptions and historical works about Majapahit, such as "Negara Kertagama and Pararaton". Because it is not surprising that many of his descriptions of Majapahit are flawed.

The "Plate Inscription" and "Trailokyapuri" explain that the last Majapahit king, Dyah Suraprahawa, collapsed as a result of an attack by a rivet army led by Girindrawardhana in 1478 AD, according to Pararaton. Since then Majapahit has ceased to be the capital of the kingdom. Thus it is impossible for Majapahit to collapse because of the Demak invasion. Portuguese historical sources written by Tome Pires also mention that the Kingdom of Demak was already established during the reign of Girindra Wardhana in Keling.

At that time Tuban, Gresik, Surabaya, and Madura as well as several other cities on the north coast of Java were in the territory of the kingdom of Kediri, so it was impossible, as told in the Chronicle of Java, Raden Patah gathered the regents to attack Majapahit.

The composers of the Babad Tanah Jawi seem to have mixed up the formation of the Demak kingdom in 1478 and the fall of Kediri by the Demak invasion during the reign of Sultan Trenggano in 1527. The raid on Sultan Trenggano was carried out because Kediri had relations with the Portuguese in Malacca, as reported by Tome Pires. Demak, who was indeed hostile to the Portuguese, so that he attacked Malacca, was not willing that Kediri have relations with the colonial nation.

After Kediri fell (not Majapahit!) attacked by Demak, they didn't flee to the island of Bali as mentioned in the description of Serat Kanda, but to Panarukan, Situbondo after Sengguruh, Malang. It could be that some fled to Bali so that until now the Balinese have Hindu culture, but that was not the escape of the last king of Majapahit, as mentioned in the Chronicle. More specifically, Raden Patah was not the son of the last Majapahit King as mentioned in the Chronicle and Serat Kanda, said Dr. Slamet Muljana.

Historian Mr. Moh. Yamin in his book "Gajah Mada" also mentions that the collapse of Brawijaya V, the last Majapahit king, was due to an attack by Ranawijaya from the Keling kingdom, so it was not an attack from Demak. The description of Mahapatih Gajah Mada's involvement in leading the Majapahit army when it was attacked by Demak in 1478 is contrary to history.

Gajah Mada had died in 1364 AD or 1286 Saka.
The narrative of the book "From the Historical Stage" translated by IP Simanjuntak sourced from the writings of H.J. Van Den Berg also found that the fall of Majapahit was not the result of an attack from Demak or the Islamic army. Ma Huan, a Chinese Muslim writer, in his book "Ying Yai Sheng Lan" mentioned, when he visited Majapahit in 1413 AD he had mentioned that the Muslim community living in Majapahit came from Gujarat and Malacca. He mentioned, in 1400 AD Islamic merchants from Gujarat and Persia had settled on the north coast of Java.

One of them is Maulana Malik Ibrahim who is buried in Pasarean Gapura Wetan Kab. Gresik with the year 12 Rabi'ul Awwal 882 H or April 8, 1419, AD, means that during the reign of Wikramawardhana (1389-1429) namely King Majapahit IV after Hayam Wuruk. According to Tjokrosujono (former head of the Historical and Antiquities Sanctuary, Mojokerto), the tombstone engraved with Arabic calligraphy is an original tombstone, not a new one.

One proof that since the Majapahit era there has been a Muslim settlement in the capital city, is the Ancient Troloyo Tomb site, Trowulan District, Mojokerto, East Java. The Islamic graves at the Troloyo site, Sentonorejo Village, have various year numbers, starting from 1369 (XIV century AD) to 1611 (XVII century AD).

The gravestones of the petilasan graves in Troloyo are full of Arabic inscriptions that look like inscriptions. The pronunciation is taken from prayer readings, Kalimah Thayibah, and excerpts from Al-Quran verses with slightly stiff letters. It appears the maker was a convert to Islam. The contents are not data on the birth and death of the buried figures, but are more preachy in nature, including quotations from Surah Ar-Rahman verses 26-27.

P.J. Veth was a Dutch scholar who first researched and wrote about Troloyo's tomb in the book JAVA II in 1873.

L.C. Damais, a French researcher who followed him, mentioned the year numbers on the tombstones from the XIV to XVI centuries. Soeyono Wisnoewhardono, Staff of the Historical and Archaeological Heritage Sanctuary in Trowulan said the graves proved that when the Majapahit kingdom was still standing, Muslims had lived peacefully around the capital city. It is clear here that Islam entered the land of Majapahit, full of peace and tolerance.

Another archaeological site in the Trowulan sub-district, namely in the village and Trowulan sub-district, is the Putri Cempa Tomb. According to the Babad Tanah Jawi, Putri Cempa (Jeumpa, Acehnese) was the wife of Prabu Brawijaya who was a Muslim. The two gravestones found in this ancient complex date to 1370 Saka (1448 AD) and 1313 Saka (1391 AD).

In folk legend, it is said that by marrying Princess Cempa, the King had actually embraced Islam. When he died he was buried according to Islam in a long grave (Kubur Dawa). Dusun Upload is 300 meters from the tomb of Putri Cempa, the Islamic aristocrat.

From these historical facts and sites, there is authentic evidence about how it is not true that Islam was developed through war. In fact, several other historical sites prove that Islam was very tolerant of other religions (including Hinduism) when Islam was growing rapidly in Java.

In the Sunan Bonang complex in Tuban, East Java, for example, there is an upright Shiva Buddhist temple with the year 1400 Saka (1478 AD) which is now located behind the Tuban Regional Government office. In fact, at that time Sunan Bonang's Islamic boarding school had been established. The Islamic boarding school and the adjacent temple are preserved in a small model made of old wood which is now stored in the Kambang Putih Museum, Tuban.

In Kudus, Central Java, when Sunan Kudus Ja'far Sodiq spread Islamic teachings there, he forbade Muslims to slaughter cows for food. Although beef is halal according to Islam, slaughtering is forbidden to respect the beliefs of Hindus who venerate cows.

To show his tolerance for Hindus, Sunan Kudus tethered a cow in the courtyard of the mosque where it is still preserved today. Even the minaret of the Kudus Mosque was built in the architectural style of a Hindu temple.

when the Majapahit kingdom stood as part of the journey of the Indonesian nation. Since the founding of Raden Wijaya, who has the title Kertanegara Dharmawangsa, this kingdom has always been filled with the phenomenon of rebellion.

Heir to the throne of Raden Wijaya, namely during the reign of Kalagemet / Jayanegara (1309-1328), which is an inscription is considered as the incarnation of Wisnu with the Minadwaya state badge (two fish) in governing faced many rebellions against Majapahit from those who were still loyal to Kertarajasa.

The first rebellion actually started when Kertarajasa was still alive, namely by Rangga Lawe who was based in Tuban, due to dissatisfaction because he was not the governor of Majapahit but Nambi, son of Wiraraja. But his attempt (1309) was thwarted.

The second rebellion was in 1311 by Sora, a rakryan in Majapahit, but failed. Then the third was in 1316, by his own prime minister, namely Nambi, from the Lumajang area and the fort in Pajarakan. His whole family was annihilated.

The next rebellion by Kuti in 1319, where the capital of Majapahit was occupied, the king fled under the protection of palace guards called Bhayangkari as many as 15 people under the leadership of Gajah Mada.

However, with the help of Majapahit troops who were still loyal, Gajah Mada and his Bhayangkari attacked Kuti, and finally Jayanegara was able to continue his reign.

After the Kuti rebellion ended, in 1331 a rebellion appeared in Sadeng and Keta (Besuki area). So the Majapahit governor Pu Naga was replaced by the governor of Daha, namely Gajah Mada, so the rebellion was crushed. Gajah Mada's success in quelling the Sadeng rebellion led him to a career as a royal governor.

However, during the reign of Hayam Wuruk in 1350-1389, the prime minister Gajah Mada – who was also the warlord at that time – had to exhaust his energy to quell rebellions in several areas. Ronggolawe rebellion until the attack on the kingdom of Dhaha, Kediri.

In fact, one of the causes of the decline and destruction of the Majapahit empire was when the outbreak of the Paragreg War in 1401-1406 was a civil war for power, subordinate regions began to break away, and the development of Islam in coastal areas.

The Majapahit Empire, which had experienced its golden and glorious era, had to fall apart after losing great figures such as Hayam Wuruk and Gajah Mada.

Kings who once ruled the Majapahit Kingdom:
1. Raden Wijaya 1273 – 1309
2. Jayanegara 1309-1328
3. Tribhuwanatunggaldewi 1328-1350
4. Hayam Wuruk 1350-1389
5. Wikramawardana 1389-1429
6. Kertabhumi 1429-1478

Causes of decline
Majapahit lost major figures such as Hayam Wuruk and Gajah Mada. The outbreak of the Paragreg War in 1401-1406 was a civil war over the power of subordinate regions, which began to break away.

Relics of the Majapahit kingdom
- Buildings: Panataran Temple, Sawentar, Tiga Wangi, Muara Takus
- Book: Negara Kertagama by Mpu Prapanca, Sitosoma by Mpu Tantular which contains the slogan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Paraton Kidung Sundayana and Sorandaka R Wijaya Get the Inspiration to Establish the Majapahit Kingdom.

Two banyan trees at the entrance of the Great Hall in Trowulan, Mojokerto. The two banyan trees were planted on December 22, 1973, by the Regional Military Commander Widjojo Soejono and Governor Mohammad Noer.

Behind the Pendopo Agung building which has a photo of the Brawijaya Military Commander, there is a small building surrounded by public graves. The building, named Petilasan Panggung, is believed to be Raden Wijaya's Petilasan and the place where Patih Gajah Mada announced the Palapa Oath.

As soon as you enter the Petilasan Panggung building, which has a mini pavilion as a backdrop, you can see several rocks shaped like graves, the walls around the "grave" are covered with a transparent white mosquito net which adds to the sacredness of the place.

According to Sajadu (53), the caretaker of the Petilasan Panggung, this is where Raden Wijaya meditated until he finally received the inspiration to establish the Majapahit kingdom. Apart from that, it was also at this place that Patih Gajah Mada announced the Palapa Oath. "This place is sacred because it is considered the Anya of the Majapahit Kingdom," he said.

At certain times especially coinciding with Legi Friday night, many people come to pray and hope for blessings. "People come to pray so that the goal is achieved," said Sajadu, who stated that the job of guarding the Petilasan Stage had been done for generations since his ancestors.

While smoking his kretek cigarettes, the man who inherited as caretaker of the petilasan from his father since 1985 also recounted that the place used to be just a pile of rocks. Until now, the stone is still inside, he said.

Then in 1964, Mrs. Sudarijah, also known as Mrs. Dar Moeriar from Surabaya, carried out the restoration for the first time. It was only in 1995 that it was restored again by the Brawijaya Regional Military Commander, who at that time was held by Utomo.

Entering the Petilasan Stage area, a picture of Gajah Mada is displayed right beside the entrance. While on the front of the door hangs a small board with the words "Five Guidelines" which is a role model guide for residents.

In full, "Poncho Waliko" reads "Kudutrisno Marang Sepadane Urip, Ora Pareng Ngilik Sing Dudu Semestine, Ora Pareng Sepatah Nepatani and Ora Pareng Eidra Hing Ubaya"

Sajadu also recounted that the Petilasan Stage was declared closed to the public from 1985 to 1995. It was only after that that it was opened again to the public.

History of the University of Indonesia

The University of Indonesia is a modern, comprehensive, open, multicultural, and humanist campus that covers a broad range of disciplines. UI is currently simultaneously trying to become one of the leading research universities or academic institutions in the world. As a research university, efforts to achieve the highest achievements in terms of discovery, development, and diffusion of knowledge regionally and globally are always carried out. Meanwhile, UI has also deepened its commitment to its efforts in the field of academic development and research activities through a number of disciplines within its scope.

History The forerunner of the University of Indonesia began in 1849 and the University of Indonesia is a representative educational institution with the oldest history in Asia. Having produced more than 400,000 alumni, Universitas Indonesia continues to play an important role at the national and world levels. However, UI cannot escape from its current mission of becoming a high-quality educational institution, world-standard research, and maintaining prestige standards in a number of international journals.

Dutch Occupation Period (1849-1946)
The Dutch Colonial Government 1849 built a university which was later named Dokter-Djawa School (School of Medicine for Javanese) in January 1851, this high school specializing in medical science.

After experiencing a name change at the end of the 19th century, in 1898 to be precise, the name Dokter-Djawa School changed to School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (School of Medicine for Indigenous Doctors) or STEVIA. For 75 years STEVIA served as the best educational place for aspiring doctors in Indonesia before it was closed in 1927.

However, a medical school was later built together with four other high schools in several cities in Java. The high schools were Technische Hogeschool te Bandoeng (Faculty of Engineering) which was established in Bandung in 1920, Recht Hoogeschool (Faculty of Law) in Batavia in 1924, Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte (Faculty of Literature and Humanities) in Batavia in 1940, and a year later they were built Faculteit van Landbouwweteschap (Faculty of Agriculture) in Bogor.

These five high schools were the pillars in creating the Good-Universiteit (Emergency University), which was founded in 1946.

Doctor Java School
Age of Independence (1947-the 1960s)
Nood-universiteit changed its name to Universiteit van Indonesie in 1947 and was based in Jakarta. Several nationalist professors, one of whom is Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, continued his function as a lecturer for Universiteit van Indonesia in Yogyakarta, then the nation's capital.

The Indonesian capital then returned to Jakarta in 1949 after the Dutch recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Universiteit van Indonesia Yogjakarta also moved again to Jakarta.

Universiteit van Indonesië was later merged into "Universiteit Indonesia" in 1950. This university has a Faculty of Medicine, Law, Letters, and Philosophy in Jakarta, a Faculty of Engineering located in Bandung, a Faculty of Agriculture in Bogor, a Faculty of Dentistry in Surabaya, and a Faculty of Economics in Makassar.

Faculties outside Jakarta then developed into separate universities between 1954-1963. The University of Indonesia in Jakarta has a campus in Salemba and consists of several faculties such as Medicine, Dentistry, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Literature, Law, Economics, and Engineering.

In subsequent developments, the Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Public Health, Computer Science, and then the Faculty of Nursing were established.

Doctor Java School
Modern Age (1970s-present)
Before the University of Indonesia campus in Depok was built in 1987, the University of Indonesia had three campus locations namely in Salemba, East Pegangsaan, and Rawamangun. After the new campus was established on 320 hectares of land in Depok, the Rawamangun campus was moved while the Salemba campus was still maintained for the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Postgraduate Programs.

Not long after 2000, the University of Indonesia became one of several universities with the status of a State Owned Legal Entity in Indonesia. This change in status brought significant changes to the University of Indonesia, namely greater autonomy in academic development and financial management so that the university grew to become a world-class university.

From this historical perspective, the University of Indonesia has grown progressively into an institution that aims to become a leader in the fields of humanity and civilization by balancing academic values, morality, and art. Through these advantages, the University of Indonesia intends to turn the Indonesian nation into a more prosperous and democratic society, with a focus on peace, justice, and strong environmental values.

1849-1898 Doctordjawaschool Batavia
1898-1927 School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen, Batavia
1909-1929 Opleidingschool voor Inlandsche Rechtskundigen, Batavia
1913-1942 Nederlandsch-Indische Veeartsenschool, Buitenzorg
1920-1921 Technische Hoogeschool, Bandoeng
1922-1924 Rechtschool, Batavia
1924-1942 Rechts-hoogeschool, Batavia
1924-1942 Technische-Hoogeschool, Bandoeng
1927-1942 Geneeskundige Hoogeschool, Batavia
1940-1942 Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, Batavia
1941-1942 Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschap, Batavia
1943-1945 Djakarta Ika Daigaku
1944-1945 Bandoeng Koogyo Daigaku

University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. College of Medicine, Jakarta
2. College of Law/Literature, Jakarta

1. Geneekundige Faculteit
2. Juncdiche Facultein
3. Faculteit der Letter en Wijbegerts
4. Technische Faculteit
5. Landbouwkundige Faculteit

University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. College of Medicine, Jakarta
2. College of Law/Literature, Jakarta

1. Faculteit der Geneekundige, Batavia
2. Faculteit van Technische Wetenschap, Bandoeng
3. Faculteit der Rechtsgekerdeid end canSociale Wetenschap, Batavia
4. Faculteit der Letter en Wijbegerts, Batavia
5. Faculteit van Landbouwwatenschap, Buitenzorg
6. Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschap - later the name was changed to Faculteit van Wiskunde en Natuurewtenschap, Bandung
7. Diergeneschundige Faculteit, Buitenzorg
8. Faculteit der Economiche Wetenschap, Makasar
9. Faculty of Geneskunde, Soerabaja
10. Other faculties whose types and places are determined by the Governor General

University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. College of Medicine, Jakarta
2. College of Law/Literature, Jakarta

February 1950
Universiteit Indonesia/University Hall of the Republic of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
5. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
6. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
8. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Institute, Surabaya
9. Faculty of Economics, Makassar (temporarily closed)

February 1950-1954
Universiteit Indonesie/Higher Education Center of the Republic of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
9. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Institute, Surabaya
10. Branch of the Faculty of Law and Community Service from FH & PM UI Jakarta, Makassar
11. Faculty of Economics as a branch of the Faculty of Economics UI Jakarta, Makassar

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
9. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Institute, Surabaya
10. Faculty of Economics, Makassar
11. Faculty of Law, Makassar

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung
9. Faculty of Economics, Makasar
10. Faculty of Law, Makasar

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine & Physical Education Institute, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
6. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
7. Faculty of Science. Engineering & Drawing Teacher Pend Institute, Bandung
8. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Bandung

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Psychology, Jakarta
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Jakarta
8. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jakarta
9. Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor
10. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Jakarta
3. Faculty of Letters, Jakarta
4. Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
5. Faculty of Psychology, Jakarta
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Jakarta
8. Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta
9. Faculty of Public Health, Jakarta
10. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta
11. Non-Degree Faculty of Economics, Jakarta
12. Non-Degree Faculty of Technology, Jakarta 
13. Postgraduate Faculty, Jakarta

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Depok Campus
3. Faculty of Letters, Depok Campus
4. Faculty of Economics, Depok Campus
5. Faculty of Psychology, Depok Campus
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Depok Campus
8. Faculty of Engineering, Depok Campus
9. Faculty of Public Health, Depok Campus
10. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Depok Campus
11. Faculty of Computer Science, Depok Campus
12. Faculty of Nursing, Depok Campus
13. Postgraduate Faculty, Salemba Campus - Jakarta

University of Indonesia
1. Faculty of Medicine, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
2. Faculty of Law and Community Science, Depok Campus
3. Faculty of Letters, Depok Campus
4. Faculty of Economics, Depok Campus
5. Faculty of Psychology, Depok Campus
6. Faculty of Dentistry, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
7. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Depok Campus
8. Faculty of Engineering, Depok Campus
9. Faculty of Public Health, Depok Campus
10. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Depok Campus
11. Faculty of Computer Science, Depok Campus
12. Faculty of Nursing, Depok Campus
13. Postgraduate Faculty, Salemba Campus - Jakarta
14. Vocational Education Program, Depok Campus

History of Mount Krakatau Indonesia

sejarah gunung krakatau
In the beginning, the big island of Krakatau, which we usually call by the name of Mount Krakatau, was a mountain (ancient Mount Krakatau) which has a height of about 2000 meters above sea level with a circle of beaches of about 11 km and a radius of about 9 km2.

However, the devastating explosion that occurred around 416 AD destroyed three-quarters of the body of the mountain and left three large islands, namely Sertung Island, Rakata Island and Panjang Island, as well as a caldera in the middle of the three islands. Before 1883, two clusters of mountains appeared, named Mount Danan and Mount Perbuatan, which later united with Rakata Island and were commonly referred to as Mount Krakatau.

In 1880, the so-called Strombolian period, volcanic activity continued for several months, and Mount Perbuatan actively spewed lava. After that period, there was no volcanic activity until finally signs of an impending eruption appeared in May 1883.

Then on August 27, 1883 Mount Krakatau erupted. According to historical records, which until now have always been promoted by Lampung tourism ranks, Mount Krakatau erupted very violently, shaking the world. eruptions of lava and ash reached a height of 80 km. While the ashes surround the earth for several years. seen from North America and Europe, at that time the sun looks blue and the moon looks orange (orange).

This volcanic eruption produces great dust that can penetrate a distance of up to 90 km. The eruption also had an impact on sea waves up to 40 m vertically and has claimed around 36,000 lives in 165 villages both in South Lampung and west of West Java. And because of the eruption it has obliterated Mount Danan and Perbuatan from the face of the earth and left three islands namely Panjang Island, Sertung Island, and Rakata Besar Island as well as a caldera which is located in the middle of the three islands with a diameter of 7 km.

Forty years later a new miracle was born. Around 1927 the fishermen who were going to sea in the Sunda Strait were suddenly surprised. A plume of black smoke on the surface of the sea immediately appeared between the three islands, namely in the caldera, which was the site of the previous violent eruption. Then on December 29, 1929 a crater wall appeared to sea level which was also the source of the eruption. Only two years after the mysterious puff of smoke in the sea, then a strange object appeared. The original "face" of this strange object became clearer and clearer day by day and it turned out that it was what was later called Mount Anak Krakatau.

But the mystery of Mount Anak Krakatau doesn't end there. This mountain has its own uniqueness, because this mountain always adds about one inch in height every day. Mount Anak Krakatau, which was originally only a few meters away, can now reach 230 meters above sea level and has since appeared in 1927. This mountain was recorded to have erupted about 16 times from December 1927 to August 1930 and 43 times from 1931-1960 and 13 times from 1961-2000.

(Quoted from various sources with processing)

History of the Kutai Kingdom in East Kalimantan

The Kutai Kingdom is the oldest kingdom in Indonesia. This kingdom is located on the banks of the Mahakam river in Muarakaman, East Kalimantan, near the town of Tenggarong.

Dynasty Founder
It is estimated that the Kingdom of Kutai was founded in the 4th century AD. The inscription was erected by King Mulawarman. Historical evidence about the Kutai kingdom is the discovery of seven inscriptions in the form of yuba (stone pillars) written on yuba using Pallawa letters and Sanskrit.

The contents of the inscription stated that the first king of the Kingdom of Kutai was named Kudungga. He has a son named Asawarman who is referred to as wamsakerta (family maker). After he died, Asawarman was replaced by Mulawarman. The use of the name Asawarman and the names of the kings in subsequent generations shows that the influence of Hindu teachings had entered the Kutai kingdom and this proves that the Kutai kings were native Indonesians who had embraced Hinduism.

Kingdom Life
Social life in the Kingdom of Kutai is a translation of the inscriptions found by experts. Among these translations are the following:
- Society in the Kingdom of Kutai is organized, orderly and orderly
- People in the Kingdom of Kutai have the ability to adapt to foreign cultures (India) and follow the changing patterns of the times while maintaining and preserving their own culture.

Economic life in the Kingdom of Kutai can be known from the following two things:
The geographical location of the Kutai Kingdom is on the trade routes between China and India. The Kingdom of Kutai became an interesting place for merchants to stop by. This shows that trading activities have become part of the life of the Kutai people, in addition to agriculture.

Written information on the inscription says that King Mulawarman once gave his wealth in the form of oil and 20,000 cows to the Brahmins.

The cultural life of the Kutai people is as follows:
- The people of Kutai are people who maintain the roots of their ancestral cultural traditions.
- People who are very responsive to changes and cultural progress.
- Uphold religious spirit in their cultural life.

Entry of Cultural Influence
The influx of Indian cultural influence into the archipelago caused Indonesian culture to change. The most important change is the emergence of a government system with a king as its head. Before Indian culture entered, the government was only led by a tribal chief.

Apart from that, another mix-up is the life of the ancestors of the Indonesian people who built stone monuments. This habit shows that in accepting foreign cultural elements, the Indonesian people are active. This means that the Indonesian people are trying to find and adapt these foreign cultural elements to their own culture.

The Indonesian people have a habit of erecting stone monuments, called menhirs, for the worship of ancestral spirits, while the stone monuments (Yupa) erected by King Mulawarman are used to tie up sacrificial animals.

The inscription also tells that King Mulawaraman ruled wisely. He once presented ± 20,000 cows for sacrifice to brahmins/priests. And the inscription also stated that King Aswawarman was the founder of the dynasty, why wasn't his father Kudungga the founder of the dynasty but his son Aswawarman? This was because at that time King Kudungga had not embraced Hinduism, so he could not become the founder of the Hindu dynasty.

From King, Aswawarman descended to Mulawarman, because Mulawarman also embraced Hinduism. This is known from the mention of the sacred building for God Trimurti. The building is called the Wapraskewara building and in the Kembeng Cave in the interior of Kutai, there are a number of Hindu religious statues such as Shiva and Ganesha.

Legacy Evidence
Historical evidence of the Kutai Kingdom is the discovery of seven inscriptions in the form of Yupa (stone pillars)

History of the Kingdom of Kediri

The Kingdom of Kediri is a large kingdom in East Java that was founded in the 12th century. This kingdom is part of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. The center of his empire was located on the banks of the Brantas River, which at that time had become a busy shipping lane.

Establishment of the Kingdom of Kediri
The discovery of the Tondowongso Site in early 2007, which is believed to be a relic of the Kingdom of Kediri, is expected to help provide more information about the kingdom. Several ancient statues from the Kingdom of Kediri. The statue found in Gayam village, Kediri is classified as rare because it is the first time a statue of the four-faced or Catur Muka Shiva god Shiva has been found.

In 1041 or 963 AD King Airlangga ordered the dividing of the kingdom into two parts. The division of the kingdom was carried out by a Brahmin who was known for his supernatural powers, namely Mpu Bharata. The two kingdoms known as Kahuripan became Jenggala (Kahuripan) and Panjalu (Kediri) which were bounded by Mount Kawi and the Brantas river were told in the Mahaksubya inscription (1289 AD), the book Negarakertagama (1365 AD), and the Calon Arang book (1540 AD). The purpose of dividing the kingdom into two is to avoid conflict.

The Jenggala Kingdom covered the Malang area and the Brantas river delta with its ports in Surabaya, Rembang, and Pasuruhan, the capital city being Kahuripan, while Panjalu was later known as Kediri including Kediri, Madiun and the capital city Daha. Based on the inscriptions found, each kingdom felt entitled to the entire throne of Airlangga, so war broke out.

At the end of November 1042, Airlangga was forced to divide his kingdom because his two sons competed for the throne. A son named Sri Samarawijaya got a western kingdom called Panjalu which was centered in a new city, namely Daha. Meanwhile, the son named Mapanji Garasakan got an eastern kingdom named Janggala which was based in the old city, namely Kahuripan. Panjalu was controlled by Jenggala and the name of Raja Mapanji Garasakan (1042-1052 AD) was immortalized in the Malenga inscription. He still wears the symbol of the Kingdom of Airlangga, namely Garuda Mukha.

At first, the civil war was won by Jenggala but in the subsequent developments, it was Panjalu/Kediri who won the war and controlled the entire throne of Airlangga. Thus in East Java stood the kingdom of Kediri where evidence explaining this kingdom, in addition to the discovery of inscriptions also through literary books. And what explains a lot about the Kediri kingdom is the work in the form of literary books. The result of this literary work is the book Kakawin Bharatayudha written by Mpu Sedah and Mpu Panuluh which tells about the victory of Kediri/Panjalu over Jenggala.

Development of the Kingdom of Kediri
In its development, the Kingdom of Kediri, which had the capital of Daha, grew to a large extent, while the Kingdom of Jenggala sank. Allegedly the Kingdom of Jenggala was conquered by Kediri. However, the loss of Jenggala traces may also be due to the absence of inscriptions left behind or the inscriptions left by the Jenggala Kingdom that have not been found. The glory of the Kingdom of Kediri had fallen when King Kertajaya (1185-1222) clashed with the clergy. Akuwu Tumapel Tunggul Ametung took advantage of this situation.

But then his position was taken by Ken Arok. It was in this former Kediri Kingdom that Ken Arok later founded the Singasari Kingdom, and Kediri came under Singasari's rule. When Singasari was under the reign of Kertanegara (1268-1292), there was an upheaval within the kingdom. Jayakatwang, the king of Kediri who had been submissive to Singasari, joined forces with the Regent of Sumenep (Madura) to bring down Kertanegara. Finally, in 1292 Jayakatwang succeeded in defeating Kertanegara and rebuilding the glory of the Kediri Kingdom.

The political development of the kingdom of Kediri
Mapanji Garasakan reigned shortly. He was succeeded by King Mapanji Alanjung (1052 – 1059 AD). Mapanji Alanjung was later replaced again by Sri Maharaja Samarotsaha. The continuous fighting between Jenggala and Panjalu resulted in no clear news about the two kingdoms for 60 years until the name of King Bameswara (1116 – 1135 AD) from Kediri emerged.

At that time the capital city of Panjalu had been moved from Daha to Kediri so this kingdom was better known as the Kingdom of Kediri. King Bameswara wore a royal badge in the form of a fanged skull above the crescent moon which is commonly called Candrakapala. After Bameswara stepped down from the throne, he was replaced by Jayabaya, who during his reign succeeded in defeating Jenggala. Successively the kings of Kediri since Jayabaya were as follows.

In 1019 AD Airlangga has crowned the king of Medang Kamulan. Airlangga tried to restore Medang Kamulan's authority, after the royal authority was restored, Airlangga moved the center of government from Medang Kamulan to Kahuripan. Thanks to his hard work, Medang Kamulan achieved glory and prosperity. Towards the end of his life, Airlangga decided to resign from the government and became a hermit known as Resi Gentayu. Airlangga died in 1049 AD.

The heir to the Medang Kamulan royal throne should be a daughter, namely Sri Sanggramawijaya who was born from a consort. However, because he chose to become a hermit, the throne was passed to Airlangga's son who was born from a concubine.

To avoid civil war, Medang Kamulan was divided into two, namely the kingdom of Jenggala with the capital Kahuripan, and the kingdom of Kediri (Panjalu) with the capital D haha. But the effort failed. This can be seen until the 12th century when Kediri remained a fertile and prosperous kingdom but was not completely peaceful due to the overshadowing of Jenggala which was in a weaker position. It made a dark atmosphere, full of hypocrisy, and murder took place against princes and kings between the two countries. However, this feud ended in the defeat of Jenggala, and the kingdom was reunited under the rule of Kediri.

The government system of the Kediri kingdom saw several changes of power, while the kings who had ruled during the Kediri kingdom were: Shri Jayawarsa Digjaya Shastraprabhu.

Jayawarsa was the first king of the Kediri kingdom with an inscription dated 1104. He called himself the incarnation of Vishnu.

The second king of the Kediri kingdom who had the title Sri Maharajarake Sirikan Shri Kameshwara Sakalabhuwanatushtikarana Sarwwaniwaryyawiryya Parakrama Digjayottunggadewa, better known as Kameshwara I (1115-1130). His royal symbol is a fanged skull called Candrakapala. During his reign, Mpu Darmaja changed the Samaradana book. In this book, the king is praised as the incarnation of the god Kama, and his capital whose beauty the whole world admires is named Dahana. His consort was named Shri Kirana, who came from Janggala.

The third king of Kediri, who holds the title Shri Maharaja Shri Kroncarryadipa Handabhuwanapaka Parakramanindita Digjayotunggadewanama Shri Gandra. With his inscription in 1181. The most famous King of Kediri was Prabu Jayabaya, under his reign Kediri achieved glory. Jayabaya's expertise as an accomplished political leader is famous for his predictions. These predictions are collected in one book entitled Jongko Joyoboyo. The spiritual and material support from Prabu Jayabaya and cultural and literary matters were unmitigated. His people's attitude and far-reaching vision made Prabu Jayabaya worth remembering.

King Sarwaswera
As a religious and culturally devout king, Prabu Sarwaswera adhered to the principle of that wam asi, which means you are you, you are (all of them), and all creatures are you. According to Prabu Sarwaswera, the ultimate goal of human life is moksha, namely the unification of the soul with Paramatma. The right path is that which leads to oneness, anything that hinders oneness is not right.

King Kroncharyadipa
His name means fortress of truth, the Prabhu always does justice to his people. As devout religious people control themselves from their government with the principle, sad kama wrath, namely six kinds of enemies in human beings. The six are Croda (angry), moha (confusion), kama (lust), loba (greedy), Mada (drunk), masarya (envy).

Srengga Kertajaya
Srengga Kertajaya never stops working hard for the sake of his nation. He hopes for a safe and peaceful society. Prabu Srengga's principle of sanctity, according to the wayang puppeteers, was described by Prapanca.

Kertajaya Government
The last king was during the Kediri period. Kertajaya is a noble king and really cares about the people. Kertajaya is known for its chess clan which means four roads, namely dharma, arta, kama, moksa.

The social life of the people of the kingdom of Kediri
The social life of the Kediri people is quite good because the welfare of the people has increased, and the people live in peace, this can be seen from the people's houses which are good, clean and neat, and have yellow and green tiled floors and the Kediri people have worn cloth to the bottom. knee. With a safe and peaceful community life, art can develop, among other things, the most advanced literature is literary art. This can be seen from the many literary results that you can know until now.

The literary results, apart from what has been described in the description of the previous material, there are also many other literary books, such as the Hariwangsa and Gatotkacasraya books written by Mpu Panuluh during the Jayabaya period, the Simaradahana book by Mpu Darmaja, the Lubdaka and Wertasancaya books by Mpu Tan Akung, the book Mpu Triguna's Kresnayana and the Sumanasantaka book by Mpu Monaguna. Everything was produced during the reign of Kameswara.

The discovery of the Tondowongso Site in early 2007, which is believed to be a relic of the Kadiri Kingdom, is expected to help provide more information about the kingdom. Several ancient statues from the Kingdom of Kediri. The statue found in Gayam village, Kediri is classified as rare because it is the first time a statue of the four-faced or Catur Muka Shiva god Shiva has been found.

We can see the social life of the people at the time of the Kediri Kingdom in the book Ling-Wai-Tai-Ta compiled by Chou Ku-Fei in 1178 AD. The book states that the people of Kediri wore cloth up to below their knees and their hair was loose. The houses are usually very clean and tidy. The floor is made of yellow and green tiles.

His government was very concerned about the condition of its people so agriculture, animal husbandry, and trade progressed quite rapidly. The groups in the Kediri community are divided into three based on their position in the royal government.
1. The central social group (kingdom), namely the people who are in the environment of the king and some of his relatives and the group of servants.
2. Thani (regional) community, namely community groups consisting of officials or government officials in the Thani (regional) area.
3. Non-governmental community groups, namely groups of people who do not have official positions and relations with the government or the self-employed community. Kediri has more than 300 officials in charge of managing and recording all royal income. In addition, there were 1,000 petty officials in charge of the city's forts and moats, the royal treasury, and the food supply building.

The Kingdom of Kediri was born from the division of the Mataram Kingdom by King Airlangga (1000-1049). This solution was done so that there would be no disputes between the concubine's children. There is no clear evidence of how the kingdom was divided into several parts. In the babad it is stated that the kingdom was divided into four or five parts. But in its development, only two kingdoms were often mentioned, namely Kediri (Pangjalu) and Jenggala. Samarawijaya as the legal heir to the kingdom received the old capital, namely Dahanaputra, and the name of the kingdom was changed to Pangjalu or also known as the Kingdom of Kediri.

Economic Conditions in the Age of the Kingdom of Kediri
Kediri's economy is based on trade, animal husbandry, and agriculture. Kediri is known as a producer of rice, cotton, and silkworms. Thus, from an economic perspective, the kingdom of Kediri was quite prosperous. This can be seen from the kingdom's ability to provide a steady income to its employees who are paid with crops. This information was obtained based on the book Chi-Fan-Chi and the book Ling-wai-Tai-ta.

Literary Works and Inscriptions in the Age of the Kingdom of Kediri
Inscriptions at the Age of the Kingdom of Kediri include:
a. The Banjaran inscription dating to 1052 AD describes the victory of Panjalu or Kediri over Jenggala
b. The Hantang inscription in 1135 or 1052 AD describes Panjalu or Kediri during the time of King Jayabaya. This inscription contains the motto Panjalu Jayati which means Kediri Wins. This inscription was issued as a certificate of endowment ratification for residents of Ngantang Village who were loyal to Kediri during the war with Jenggala. And from the inscription, it can be seen that King Jayabhaya was the king who succeeded in defeating Janggala and reuniting him with Kediri.
c. Japanese inscription 1144 AD
d. Talan Inscription 1136 AD Literary art also received a lot of attention during the Kadiri Kingdom era. In 1157 Kakawin Bharatayuddha was written by Mpu Sedah and completed by Mpu Panuluh. This book comes from the Mahabharata which contains the victory of the Pandavas over the Korawas, as an allegory, victory.

Literary art received a lot of attention during the Panjalu Kingdom of Kediri. In 1157 Kakawin Bharatayuddha was written by Mpu Sedah and completed by Mpu Panuluh. This book comes from the Mahabharata which contains the victory of the Pandavas over the Korawas, as an allegory of Sri Jayabhaya's victory over Janggala.

Apart from that, Mpu Panuluh also wrote Kakawin Hariwangsa and Ghatotkachasraya. There is also a poet during the reign of Sri Kameswara named Mpu Dharmaja who wrote Kakawin Smaradahana. Then during the reign of Kertajaya, there was a poet named Mpu Monaguna who wrote Sumanasantaka and Mpu Triguna who wrote Kresnayana.

In addition to the literary books and inscriptions mentioned above, Chinese news was also found which gave many descriptions of the life of the people and government of Kediri which could not be found in other sources. The Chinese news was compiled through a book entitled Ling-mai-tai-ta written by Cho-Ku-Fei in 1178 AD and the Chu-Fan-Chi book written by Chau-Ju-Kua in 1225 AD. Thus inscriptions, Literary books, and books written by Chinese people are the development of Kediri.

The collapse of Kediri
The collapse of the Kediri kingdom was due to the fact that during the reign of Kertajaya, there was a conflict with the Brahmins. They considered Kertajaya to have violated religion and forced him to worship him as a god. Then the Brahmins asked for protection from Ken Arok, Akuwu Tumapel. The feud culminated into a battle in the village of Ganter, in 1222 AD. In that battle Ken Arok was able to defeat Kertajaya, at that time marking the end of the Kediri kingdom.

After successfully defeating Kertanegara, the Kingdom of Kediri rose again under the reign of Jayakatwang. One of the Singasari troop leaders, Raden Wijaya, managed to escape to Madura. Because of his good behavior, Jayakatwang allowed Raden Wijaya to open the Tarik Forest as his residence. In 1293, came the Mongol army sent by Emperor Kublai Khan to take revenge against Kertanegara. This situation was used by Raden Wijaya to attack Jayakatwang. He cooperated with the Mongol army and Madurese troops under the leadership of Arya Wiraraja to attack Kediri. In that war, Jayakatwang's troops were easily defeated. After that there was no more news about the Kingdom of Kediri.

Hope it is useful

History of Mathematics

The branch of study known as the history of mathematics is the investigation of the origins of discoveries in mathematics and, to a lesser extent, the investigation of the methods and notation of mathematics in the past.

Prior to modern times and the worldwide spread of knowledge, written examples of the development of mathematics had glittered in only a few places. The oldest mathematical writings that have been found are Plimpton 322 (Babylonian mathematics c. 1900 BC), the Rhind Mathematical Tablets (Egyptian mathematics c. 2000-1800 BC), and the Moscow Mathematical Gazette (Egyptian mathematics c. 1890 BC). All of these workers deal with a theorem commonly known as the Pythagorean theorem, which seems to be the oldest and most widespread mathematical development after basic arithmetic and geometry.

The contributions of Greek mathematicians refined the methods (especially through the introduction of deductive reasoning and mathematical rigor in mathematical proofs) and expanded the subject of mathematics. The word "mathematics" itself is derived from the ancient Greek word, μάθημα (mathematics), which means "subject". Chinese mathematics made early contributions, including positional notation. The Hindu-Arabic number system and the rules for using its operations, used today, were probably developed through lectures in the first millennium AD in Indian mathematics and have been passed on to the West through Islamic mathematics. Islamic mathematics, in turn, developed and extended mathematical knowledge to this civilization. Many Greek and Arabic texts on mathematics were later translated into Latin, leading to the further development of mathematics in the European Middle Ages.

From ancient times through the Middle Ages, bursts of mathematical creativity were often followed by centuries of stagnation. Beginning in Renaissance Italy in the 16th century, new mathematical developments, interacting with new scientific discoveries, were made at an exponential growth rate that continues today.

Prehistoric mathematics
The origins of mathematical thinking lie in the concepts of numbers, quantities, and shapes. Modern studies of animal fossils show that this concept is not unique to humans. This concept may also be an everyday part of the hunter pack. That the concept of numbers developed step by step over time is evidence that in some languages ​​today the distinction between "one", "two" and "many" is preserved, but that numbers greater than two are not.

The oldest known mathematical object is the Lebombo bone, found in the Lebombo mountains in Swaziland and probably dates to 35000 BC. This bone contains 29 different incisions that are deliberately etched into the baboon's fibula. There is evidence that women used to do the math to memorize their menstrual cycles; 28 to 30 scratches on bone or stone, followed by distinct markings. Also, prehistoric artifacts found in Africa and France, from 35,000 BC and 20,000 years old, suggest early attempts to calculate time.

The Ishango bone, found near the watercourse of the Nile (northeast Congo), contains a row of stick marks etched in three longitudinal stripes on the bone. The common interpretation is that the Ishango bones show the oldest known demonstration of the sequence of prime numbers or the six-month lunar calendar. Predynastic period Egypt from the 5th millennium BC, graphically featuring geometric designs. It has been claimed that megalithic structures in England and Scotland, from the 3rd millennium BC, incorporated geometrical ideas such as the circle, ellipse, and Pythagorean triples in their design.

Sumber : wikipedia.com

History of Radio

History of Radio
The history of radio is the history of technology that produces radio equipment that uses radio waves. Initially, signals on radio broadcasts were transmitted via continuous data waves either through amplitude modulation (AM) or frequency modulation (FM). This method of sending signals is called analog. Furthermore, along with the development of technology, the internet was discovered, and digital signals which then changed the way radio signals are transmitted

History of Radio Use
Many of radio's early uses were maritime, for sending telegraphic messages using Morse code between ships and land. One of its early uses included the Japanese Navy spying on the Russian fleet during the Battle of Tsushima in 1901. One of its most memorable uses was during the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912, including communication between operators on board the sunken ship and nearby ships and communications to ground station. Radio was used to pass on orders and communications between the Army and Navy on both sides in World War II; Germany used radio communications for diplomatic messages when its submarine cables were cut by the British. The United States relayed President Woodrow Wilson's 14 Point Program to Germany by radio during the war. Broadcasting began in the 1920s, with the popularity of radio sets, especially in Europe and the United States.

In addition to broadcasting, point-to-point broadcasting, including telephone and rebroadcasting of radio programs, became popular in the 1920s and 1930s. The pre-war use of radio was to improve the detection and location of aircraft and ships with the use of radar. Today, radio takes many forms, including wireless networks, mobile communications of all types, as well as radio broadcasting. Before television became popular, commercial radio broadcasts included drama, comedy, various shows, and many other forms of entertainment; not only news and music.

Radio AM
AM radio (amplitude modulation) works on the principle of modulating radio waves and audio waves. Both of these waves have a constant amplitude. However, this modulation process then changes the amplitude of the conducting (radio) wave according to the amplitude of the audio wave.

In 1896 the Italian scientist, Guglielmo Marconi received a patent for a wireless telegraph using two circuits. At that time this signal could only be sent over short distances. However, this is what started the development of radio technology. In 1897 Marconi again published his discovery that wireless signals could be transmitted over longer distances (12 miles). Furthermore, in 1899 Marconi succeeded in making wireless communication between France and England via the English Channel using the Tesla oscillator.

John Ambrose Fleming in 1904 discovered that audio tubes could be used as wireless receivers for this radio technology. Two years later Dr. Lee deForest invented the electron tube consisting of three elements (triode audion). This invention made it possible for sound waves to be transmitted via wireless communication systems. But the captured signal is still very weak. It was only in 1912 [[Edwin Howard Armstrong discovered a radio wave amplifier also called a radio amplifier. This tool works by capturing electromagnetic signals from radio transmissions and providing a return signal from the tube. That way the signal strength will increase as much as 20,000 times per second. The captured sound is also much stronger so that it can be heard directly without using earphones. This discovery then becomes very important in radio communication systems because it is much more efficient than previous tools. Nevertheless, the patent on the amplifier fell into the hands of Dr. Lee de forest. Until now, radio amplifier is still the core technology in radio equipment.

Initially, the use of AM radio was only for wireless telegram purposes. The first person to broadcast radio with a human voice was Reginald Aubrey Fessenden. He made the first radio broadcast with a human voice on December 23, 1900, at a distance of 50 miles (from Cobb Island to Arlington, Virginia). Today AM radio is not used too much for commercial radio broadcasts because of the poor sound quality.

Radio FM
FM radio (frequency modulation) works on a principle similar to AM radio, namely by modulating radio waves (conductor) with audio waves. It's just that, on FM radio this modulation process causes a change in frequency.

When AM radio became common, Armstrong discovered that another problem with radio lay in the type of signal being transmitted. At that time audio waves were transmitted along with radio waves using amplitude modulation (AM). This modulation is very vulnerable to weather disturbances. In the late 1920s, Armstrong began trying to use modulation where the amplitude of the conducting (radio) wave was kept constant. In 1933 he finally found a frequency modulation (FM) system that produced a much clearer sound and was not disturbed by bad weather.

Unfortunately, this technology is not necessarily used en masse. The economic depression of the 1930s made the radio industry reluctant to adopt this new system because it required the costly replacement of transmitters and receivers. It wasn't until 1940 that Armstrong was able to set up the first FM radio station at his own expense. Two years later the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated some frequencies to the FM radio station that Armstrong had built. It took a long time for frequency modulation to become a widely used system. In addition, Armstrong never obtained a patent.

Frustrated by all the difficulties in fighting for the FM system, Armstrong ended his life tragically by committing suicide. Luckily his wife then managed to fight for Armstrong's rights to his invention. It was only in the late 1960s that FM became a truly established system. With nearly 2000 FM radio stations spread across America, FM became a supporter of microwaves (microwave), in the end, FM was truly recognized as a superior system in various fields of communication.

Internet radio
The invention of the internet started to change the analog signal transmission used by the conventional radio. Internet radio (also known as web radio, streaming radio, and e-radio) works by transmitting sound waves over the internet. The working principle is almost the same as conventional short-wave radio, namely by using a streaming medium in the form of a continuous wave. This working system allows radio broadcasts to be heard throughout the world as long as the listener has an internet device. That is why many expatriates use internet radio to relieve their homesickness. In Indonesia, generally, internet radio collaborated with an analog radio system by terrestrial radio stations to expand their broadcast reach.

Satellite Radio
Satellite radio transmits audio waves using digital signals. Unlike analog signals that use continuous waves, sound waves are transmitted via digital signals consisting of binary 0 and 1 codes. This signal is transmitted to a much wider coverage area because it uses satellites. It's just that radio broadcasts can only be received by special devices that can decode encrypted signals. Satellite radio broadcasts can also only be received in open areas where the antenna on the radio is in line of sight with the transmitting satellite. Satellite radio will only work where there are no major obstructions such as tunnels or buildings. Therefore satellite radio devices are widely promoted for car radios. To get good broadcast transmission, it is necessary to make repeater stations like in America so that the service quality is excellent.

Expensive equipment (because it uses satellites) makes this system commercial. Listeners must subscribe to be able to listen to radio broadcasts. Even so, the sound quality produced is very clear, there is no noise like in conventional radio broadcasts. In addition, most of the broadcast content is ad-free and listeners have a much wider choice of broadcast channels (more than 120 channels).
The world's satellite radio provider company is Worldspace which serves satellite radio broadcasts in America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Worldspace has three satellites serving different regions. In Indonesia, until 2002 Worldspace collaborated with RRI, Trijaya Radio, Borneo Wave Channel (Masima Group), goindo.com, and Kompas Cyber ​​Media as content fillers for satellite radio services using the Asia Star satellite. mbs fm Suci manyar Gresik

High-definition radio (HD Radio)
Radio, also known as digital radio, works by combining analog and digital systems as well. This allows two digital and analog stations to share the same frequency. This efficiency allows multiple contents to be broadcast in the same position. The sound quality produced by HD radio is as clear as satellite radio, but the service is offered free of charge. However, to be able to receive digital radio broadcasts, listeners must have a special device that can capture digital signals.

History of Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI History)

Sejarah Radio Republik Indonesia
The history of Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) began with its official establishment on September 11, 1945, by figures who previously actively operated several Japanese radio stations in 6 cities. Meeting of delegates from 6 radio stations at Adang Kadarusman's house, Jalan Menteng Dalam, Jakarta. So that resulted in the decision to establish Radio Republik Indonesia by choosing dr. Abdulrahman Saleh as the first general leader of RRI.

The beginning
The first radio broadcast in Indonesia (at that time it was called Nederlands Indie - Dutch East Indies), was Bataviase Radio Vereniging (BRV) in Batavia (formerly Jakarta Tempo), which was officially established on June 16, 1925, so five years after in the United States, three years after in England and the Soviet Union.

Radio stations in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial era used to have private status. Because since the existence of the BRV earlier, other radio broadcasting bodies have emerged: Nederlandsch Indische Radio Omroep Masstchapyj (NIROM) in Jakarta, Bandung and Medan, Solossche Radio Vereniging (SRV) in Solo, Mataramse Vereniging Voor Radio Omroep (MAVRO) in Yogjakarta, Vereniging Oosterse Radio Luisteraars (VORO) in Bandung, Vereniging Voor Oosterse Radio Omroep (VORO) in Surakarta, Chinese en Inheemse Radio Luisteraars Vereniging Oost Java (CIRVO) in Surabaya, Eerste Madiunse Radio Omroep (EMRO) in Madiun and Radio Semarang in Semarang.

In Medan, apart from NIROM, there is also the private Meyers Omroep Voor Allen (MOVA) radio, operated by Mr. Meyers, and Algemene Vereniging Radio Omroep Medan (AVROM). Among the many broadcast radio agencies, NIROM is the largest and most comprehensive, because it received full support from the Dutch East Indies government.

NIROM's rapid development was also due to its large financial benefits, namely from the "radio tax". The more radios among the people, the more money NIROM receives. Thus, NIROM can increase its transmit power, set up relay stations, establish special telephone lines with big cities, etc.

At that time there were special telephone lines between Batavia, Bogor, Sukabumi, Bandung, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Surabaya, Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi, Malang, which totaled approximately 1.2 million meters of telephone lines. phone to modulate the transmitters in those cities. Thus NIROM can hold central broadcasts from Semarang, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, or Solo.

This is very different from other radio broadcasting bodies which are in the form of private associations, especially those operated by indigenous peoples, who live off members' contributions.

The emergence of associations of radio stations among the Indonesian people was due to the fact that NIROM did receive assistance from the Dutch East Indies government; it was more of a company seeking financial gain and helping the establishment of colonialism in the Dutch East Indies. At that time the Dutch colonial government was facing a national spirit among the native population which had flared up since 1908, especially after 1928.

Solosche Radio Vereniging (SRV), which was established on April 1, 1933, was the pioneer for the emergence of business broadcast radio for the Indonesian nation.

Since 1933, the establishment of other radio broadcasting agencies, the efforts of the Indonesian nation in various big cities as mentioned above, and the establishment of SRV, MARVO, VORL, CIRVO, EMRO, and Radio Semarang were initially assisted by NIROM, because NIROM received material broadcasts that are eastern in nature from the various associations earlier. But then it turned out that NIROM was worried that the eastern radio associations were dangerous for him.

In 1936 news emerged that starting in 1937 "Eastern Broadcasting would be entirely controlled by NIROM itself". This meant that starting in 1937 the subsidy from NIROM would be removed, at least reduced, because NIROM would no longer relay native-owned radio broadcasts, at least if they were forced to relay very little. As is known, the NIROM subsidy was originally given based on relay-hour calculations.

The news caused quite a stir among radio people outside NIROM because the removal of the subsidy would weaken the radio broadcasting bodies in question. Indeed, it was NIROM's intention, which relied on the colonial power, to kill eastern radio broadcasting associations.

On March 29, 1937, thanks to the efforts of members of the Volksraad M.Sutarjo Kartokusumo and an engineer named Ir. Sarsito Mangunkusumo, a meeting was held between eastern radio representatives located in Bandung. The representatives who sent their delegates were: VORO (Jakarta), VORL (Bandung), MAVRO (Yogyakarta), SRV (Solo), and CIRCO (Surabaya), the meeting that day gave birth to a new body called: THE EAST EAST RADIO ASSOCIATION (PPRK) as its chairman: Sutarjo Kartohadikusumo.

PPRK's non-commercial aim is "Social-cultural" solely to promote national art and culture for the advancement of Indonesian society, spiritually and physically.

On May 7, 1937, because of PPRK's efforts, a meeting was held with government officials to discuss the relationship between PPRK and NIROM. The meeting resulted in a mutual agreement that PPRK would organize eastern broadcasts, and NIROM would organize the technical aspects.

Since then PPRK has been trying hard so that PPRK can carry out it completely on its own without the help of NIROM.

As is known, on September 1, 1939, Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler invaded Poland which caused World War II, and then in 1940, Germany occupied Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

On November 1, 1940, the goal of PPRK was achieved, namely to hold the first broadcast from PPRK.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Get to know the figure of General Soedirman

Get to know the figure of Soedirman, the War General highly respected by President Soekarno

Indonesia has one of the best war generals in history. He was General Soedirman, whom even President Soekarno respected very much. He was even used as his right hand in fighting to save this country from the Dutch who wanted to return to colonize, assisted by allied soldiers. General Soedirman fought tooth and nail to make Indonesia continue to be independent and recognized by the international community.

Let's take a moment to get to know and remember this meritorious figure in Indonesia. Without him, Indonesia will fall and return to the lap of the Netherlands. Even though they became independent in 1945, the Dutch still "insisted" on wanting to control Indonesia. And this is the story of the life and struggle of the famous General Soedirman.
General Soedirman and Soeharto

Smart Youth Who Live Away from Parents
Since birth, General Soedirman did not live with his parents. He lived with his mother's brother, Raden Cokrosunaryo, who was a district head at the time. General Soedirman also received the title Raden because Cokrosunaryo considered him his own son. Since childhood, he was educated very well by his adoptive parents. He was sent to school to become a very intelligent young man.
General Soedirman and Soeharto

From childhood until he was 18 years old, General Soedirman was never told who his real parents were. He only knew that Cokrosunaryo was a father who loved him sincerely. After knowing this fact, General Soedirman was finally allowed to live again with his family even though in the end he was more active in studying after his real father died.

A Devout with High Nationalism.
Since childhood, General Soedirman was often taught about obedience to religion. Inevitably he always prays on time. In fact, he is often nicknamed "Haji" by his friends who attend Indigenous schools (Hollandsch Inlandsche School). This obedience continues to increase along with new knowledge and also guidance from his teachers.
President Soekarno and General Soedirman

During school, General Soedirman was taught a lot about what nationalism meant. From here, a very high sense of nationalism was nurtured. He is a young man who wants to fight for this country. In fact, he is willing to do what he can to make a big enough change.

Become a Strong Master and Spread the Fighting Spirit
In his eighth year of school, General Soedirman finally continued his education at Wirotomo. It was at this school that his views on colonialism rose sharply. General Soedirman learned a lot of new things ranging from science, and mathematics, to Indonesian and Dutch which were spoken very fluently. When he was 19 years old he started teaching at Wirotomo although, in the end, he had to continue his studies at Kweekschool.
Unfortunately, the lecture period from General Soedirman had to end after a year. He has no more money to pay tuition fees which is quite suffocating. Finally, with a heavy heart, General Soedirman returned to Cilacap and taught at the Muhammadiyah elementary school which made him increasingly known and recognized by many people.

The intelligence possessed by General Soedirman made a girl named Alfiah smitten. Finally, General Soedirman married Alfiah who was the son of the richest batik entrepreneur in the area. From this marriage, General Soedirman was blessed with 3 children named Didi Praptoastusi, Didi Sutjiati, and Titi Wahjuti Setyaningrum.

Become a Member of PETA Formed by Japan
General Soedirman was once a member of PETA which was an army formed by Japan. He was appointed commander and tasked with recruiting many young people in his area to join PETA. The Japanese trained Soedirman along with other native children to fight in the hope of being able to fight and dispel the Allied troops who had begun to intensively hunt down the Japanese wherever they were.
The upheaval of PETA troops in other areas made General Soedirman's subordinates join in the rebellion. They even killed one Japanese. Knowing this, General Soedirman made sure that his men were not killed as a condition for ending the rebellion. The Japanese agreed to this even though they eventually sent them to concentration camps and were put to work roughly.

Began to be trusted as a war leader
After being exiled to a concentration camp, General Soedirman and his men fled to Jakarta. They knew that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed and that Indonesia's independence could be obtained right away. He met Soekarno and was told to describe himself as a member of the Banyumas branch of the People's Security Agency. From here the struggle of General Soedirman continued. Even making him the most trusted person in Indonesia by Soekarno.
General Soedirman's military career went up drastically. In fact, he was aligned with military officials who were more senior than him. General Soedirman's endless tenacity and struggle made him shine even more. Even the title of General was embedded in his name as the highest award this country could give him.

The Great Guerrilla War
One of the most famous of General Soedirman's is the guerrilla war that he did. He traveled hundreds of kilometers to develop the best war strategy for the Netherlands and the allies. The war strategies devised by General Soedirman ultimately benefited Indonesia.
General Soedirman on a stretcher during the guerrilla war

The guerrilla war carried out by General Soedirman made the Dutch numb. They don't know that Indonesia is capable of making such a great strategy. What was done by General Soedirman was welcomed by many people in Indonesia. Without this war, the fate of Indonesia may still be hanging in the balance.

The general who died young for his people
During the guerrilla attack, General Soedirman was already seriously ill. He had tuberculosis which damaged his lungs. Knowing this, he continues to fight for the sake of making this country recognized by the world. His struggles finally paid off. On December 27, 1949, the Netherlands officially recognized Indonesian sovereignty.
Death of General Soedirman

A month later after Indonesia was officially recognized as sovereign. This great general finally died. The severe illness that befell him apparently took his life quickly. He has not even had the chance to enjoy the country he has defended so hard that he is finally recognized by the international community.

This is a bit of the life story of the great General Soedirman. Even though he finally died at a young age, he brought big changes to Indonesia. And we all have to pay the greatest respect to him by loving this Indonesian nation from the shackles of the colonialists and national traitors.