Tuesday, January 3, 2023

5 Stunning Natural Phenomena in the World

The world is full of unique natural phenomena. Some of them even make people wonder how this amazing natural phenomenon was formed.

Of course, the uniqueness of this natural phenomenon is worth visiting, even if it's just once in a lifetime. When visiting it, be prepared to be amazed by wonders that seem impossible to form naturally. The following are the 5 most stunning natural phenomena in the world chosen by The Telegraph.

1. Lake Baikal, Russia
The natural phenomenon in Lake Baikal, Russia starts from the fact that this lake is one of the oldest and largest lakes in the world. Lake Baikal is about 640 kilometers long with clear water.
Bubble Phenomenon on Lake Baikal, Russia
Bubble Phenomenon on Lake Baikal, Russia

Lake Baikal is also unique because it is also inhabited by hundreds of species that are not found anywhere else. Other interesting natural phenomena in this lake can be found in winter when the lake freezes.

The frozen bubbles under the surface of the lake are so amazing to look at. This bubble phenomenon arises from living things under the lake and trapped methane emissions.

2. Zhangye National Park, China
The rocks in the Zhangte Danxia Geological Park, Gansu Province, China have a panoramic view of natural beauty that is so stunning. That's because the rocks in this national park are colorful so they resemble a rainbow.
Rainbow Hills in Zhangye National Park, China
Rainbow Hills in Zhangye National Park, China

People may not immediately believe that these colors appear naturally. However, this is a natural phenomenon resulting from deposits of rock, sand, and minerals stored for about 24 million years.

It forms a "layer cake" effect which is then bent by the plates that together form the Himalayas. The wind and rain that hit then further perfected the landscape and was dramatic here.

3. Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan
One of the unique natural phenomena is in Turkmenistan. Better known as the Gates of Hell, this place is actually called Darvaza Crater. That's because this crater has been burning for more than 40 years. 
Davarza Crater or Hell's Gate in Turkmenistan
Davarza Crater or Hell's Gate in Turkmenistan

This hole was first discovered in 1971 by geologists of the Soviet Union. However, the ground beneath the drill rig collapsed and left a crater approximately 70 meters wide.

Starting from the phenomenon of hell gates of hell begins. Since it was full of potentially toxic natural gas, they decided to burn it. Scientists had hoped the fire would self-extinguish within a few days, but so far it has remained smoldering.

4. Walking Stone, California
Located in a location called Racetrack Playa which is a stretch of the desert lake above Death Valley, California, there is a unique natural phenomenon here. The phenomenon is a stone that seems to be able to walk on its own.
Walking Stone, California
The Walking Stone Phenomenon in California

The rock left a trail behind them as if they could walk on their own. However, upon investigation, it turned out that these stones move because of a thin layer of frozen water above the lake. The thin layer of ice is what allows the rocks to move when blown by the wind.

5. Socotra Island, Yemen
The first impression when visiting Socotra Island which is in the country of Yemen is "like not on Earth". That's because this island has a unique natural phenomenon, namely the existence of a tree known as "Dragon's Blood".
Socotra Island, Yemen
Unique Dragon's Blood Tree in Socotra, Yemen

This tree has sap that is red like blood. In addition, the shape is also unique because of the branches that form like an umbrella as a result of the evolution of this plant to survive in arid conditions to reduce evaporation.

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