Friday, January 27, 2023

10 Ancient Egypt Tours


Egypt is one of the countries known for having many tourist attractions and delicious culinary delights. When planning to go to Egypt, planning a vacation to one of the historical sights of ancient Egypt is an exciting thing you can do. No need to be confused, here are tourist destinations for the history of ancient Egypt

1. The Pyramids of Giza
Indeed you are no stranger to the Pyramids of Giza. The Pyramids of Giza is one of the ancient Egyptian historical tours which still exists today and is crowded with visitors. This pyramid is the largest pyramid in Egypt. This one building is very popular in all corners of the world because it is included in the category of the seven wonders of the world.

The Pyramids of Giza are 129 meters high. For those of you who visit Egypt, it's a shame if you miss this historical tour of ancient Egypt. It's no wonder that many tourists come and see it because the presented scenery is very pleasing to the eye. Being in a desert area makes it even more beautiful.
The Pyramids of Giza

2. Abu Simbel Temple
The historical tour of ancient Egypt that you can visit next is the Abu Simbel Temple. This temple building is on the west bank of the Nile River. The Abu Simbel Temple is the most popular tour and a favorite tour for visitors. This temple is located at the end of Lake Nasser in Nubia, Southern Egypt.

You will see a very stunning view when you visit Egypt. The Abu Simbel Temple is one of the ancient Egyptian historical tours that still exists today. For those of you who are visiting Egypt, it's a shame if you don't visit the Abu Simbel Temple because the scenery presented here is also very eye-catching.

Abu Simbel Temple

3. Shiva Oasis
Have you ever heard the word, Shiva Oasis? Siwa Oasis is one of the historical tours of ancient Egypt. Siwa Oasis is a very beautiful salt pool. Its blue color makes the mind fresh again. Here you can enjoy the convenience of traveling. For you photo lovers, you don't need to worry because Siwa Oasis offers views that are very eye-catching and unstageable.

Siwa Oasis is located near the Libyan border. Visitors at Siwa Oasis are very diverse, ranging from tourists from their own countries to foreign tourists. For those of you who are on vacation in Egypt, it would be a shame if you didn't stop by one of the natural salt pools in the world on this one.

Shiva Oasis

4. Djoser's Pyramid
The next ancient Egyptian history tour is the Djoser Pyramid. This pyramid is the oldest pyramid in Egypt. This one tourist location is not far from Cairo City, it might only take one hour. The Djoser Pyramid is located 15 kilometers southeast of the Giza Pyramid complex. Unlike the other pyramids, this pyramid is quite unique because of its neatly arranged upwards.

This tour was closed when it was repaired for 14 years because it was damaged. However, currently, the Djoser Pyramid has reopened and can be used as a historical tourist spot that is suitable for you to visit with your family. The oldest pyramid on this one was built 4700 years ago. If you want to enjoy the beauty of the Djoser Pyramids, you can simply rent a camel to go around. It's no wonder that many foreign tourists are interested in the Djoser Pyramid.
Djoser's Pyramid

5. Sphinx Statue
You must be familiar when you hear the word Sphinx Statue. This statue is in the Giza Pyramids complex and not far from Cairo City. The distance from Cairo to the Sphinx is about 25 kilometers. The Sphinx statue is one of the historical tours of ancient Egypt which is in great demand by visitors. Sphinx statue in the form of a human head with the body of a lion. This statue is quite large with a length of 73.5 meters, a width of 6 meters, and a height of 20.2 meters.

 You can enjoy the beauty around the Sphinx Statue by renting a camel. Apart from renting a camel to go around, you can also buy souvenirs in the form of beautiful souvenirs as a memento for your tour at this statue of a human head with the body of a lion.
Sphinx Statue

6. Valley of the Kings
When you want to come on historical tours of ancient Egypt, the Valley of the Kings is a destination that you can visit. The Valley of the Kings is the place where the kings of Egypt are buried. The Valley of the Kings is also called the Gates of Kings or the Gates of Kings. The location is on the west bank of the Nile in the city area of ​​Thebe or Luxor.

The Valley of the Kings is increasingly known after the discovery of the mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, known as a scary curse. Apart from that, the Valley of the Kings was also used as a tomb for high-ranking royal relatives. You can visit this tour which has a lot of historical value while in Egypt.
Valley of the Kings

7. Valley of the Queens
Not only the Valley of the Kings, but the Valley of the Queens is also a tourist destination for the history of ancient Egypt which is a shame not to be missed. Mummies of kings and queens used to lie in different places during the heyday of ancient Egypt.

The Valley of the Queens is also where the mummies of Queen Nefertiti and Queen Ahmes were found. In ancient times, the Valley of the Queens was called Ta-Set Naferu which means "beautiful place". The Valley of the Queens is also divided into several sections which are very impressive to visit. This place is an ancient Egyptian tour that is a pity to miss.
Valley of the Queens

8. Luxor Temple
Luxor Temple is one of the historical tours of ancient Egypt that you can visit. Because of its beauty and historical stories, the Luxor Temple is visited by many tourists, not only local tourists but also many foreign tourists.

Luxor Temple was built by Pharaoh Amenhotep III and later restored by Pharaoh Ramses II. This magnificent temple is located in the center of Luxor City and is very easy to reach. It is estimated that the Luxor Temple has existed since 1400 AD. When planning to come on historical tours in Egypt, Luxor Temple is the right choice for you to visit.
Luxor Temple

9. The Theban Necropolis
The Theban Necropolis was a burial area on the west bank of the Nile River. This historical place became the place for the burial ceremonies of the pharaohs in the new kingdom era.

Thebes Necropolis is indeed very suitable to visit, especially for those of you who like historical places. In 1979, Thebes Necropolis was included in the list of cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The Theban Necropolis

10. Karnak Temple Complex
One more historical tour of ancient Egypt that should not be missed is the Karnak Temple Complex. This temple was built by Pharaoh Ramses II in 1391 – 1351 BC. Although many buildings collapsed and were slightly damaged, it did not reduce the beauty of the Karnak Temple Complex.
Karnak Temple Complex

After seeing the beauty of several ancient Egyptian historical sights, which one do you want to go to the most?

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