Friday, January 27, 2023

5 Indonesian Travel Destinations Worldwide

Many foreign tourists make Indonesia their tourist destination. Indonesia is considered to have many interesting tourist objects to visit.

During the holiday season, many foreign tourists flock to Indonesia. Their tourist destinations are also located on a number of islands in the country.

The Indonesian government itself has loosened restrictions for foreign tourists traveling to Indonesia. Foreign tourists are known to have several favorite tourist destinations.

Then, which tourist objects in Indonesia are the favorites of foreign tourists. Check out the list as summarized from various sources, who knows, it could be your reference for a vacation.

1. Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat tourism is very popular among foreign tourists. Even though they had to take a long and tiring journey, when they arrived in Raja Ampat, the struggle seemed worth it.

Pianemo Hill is one of the spots in Raja Ampat that is favored by foreign tourists. The crashing waves, clear sea water, beautiful clusters of small islands, and the natural charm around it will make you not want to leave Raja Ampat.

Raja Ampat

2. Labuan Bajo 
The government has designated Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, as a super-priority tourist destination. Massive promotion for Labuan Bajo is considered appropriate because this area has amazing natural beauty.

Not only exotic beaches and sea, lakes, and waterfalls, to the savanna plains are in Labuan Bajo. It's no secret that foreign tourists make Labuan Bajo their tourist destination.

labuan bajo

3. Nusa Penida
Bali has a small island called Nusa Penida which is considered a hidden paradise. Foreign tourists are often curious because they know that Bali is so beautiful, but there is another paradise called Nusa Penida which is still part of the Island of the Gods.

Nusa Penida Island offers views of the beach which has high cliffs. The mainland of Nusa Penida is hills and cliffs but surrounded by beaches.

Activities that tourists can do in Nusa Penida include surfing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. The beach is still beautiful and quite clean because the location has not been visited by too many tourists.

Nusa Penida Bali

4. Nihiwatu Beach, Sumba
Nihiwatu Beach, Sumba in East Nusa Tenggara, was awarded the best beach award by readers of the travel magazine T+L (Travel + Leisure). When looking at the beach, the title is indeed worth pinning.

many foreign tourists who also have Hollywood celebrity status choose to vacation at Nihiwatu Beach, Sumba. The beauty of the beach and sea is undeniable. Interestingly, here you can ride along the white sand beach. This beach is also a favorite for world surfers.

Nihiwatu Beach, Sumba

5. Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo is a tourist icon in East Java. Seeing directly Mount Bromo, Mount Semeru, and Mount Tengger is an exciting experience. Foreign tourists are impressed by the splendor and natural charm of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The stunning sunrise view is also the reason tourists choose this tourist destination.

In addition, climbing Mount Bromo will also be an unforgettable experience. The photo spots at this location are also extraordinary.

Mount Bromo

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