Free tours in Jakarta that are comfortable and enjoyable for those of you who want to vacation around the city of Jakarta


Banyu Tibo Beach is a beach tourism object that presents quite beautiful natural panoramas that are rarely found on beaches in Indonesia.

Pindul Gunung Kidul Cave Nature Tourism

Enjoy Nature with Cave Tubing


Jogja Beach Tourism with Balinese Nuances


Nampu Beach, Exotic Wonogiri Beach Tourism


The branch of study known as the history of mathematics is the investigation of the origins of discoveries in mathematics and, to a lesser extent, the investigation of the methods and notation of mathematics in the past


In the beginning, the big island of Krakatau, which we usually call by the name of Mount Krakatau, was a mountain (ancient Mount Krakatau) which has a height of about 2000 meters above sea level with a circle of beaches of about 11 km and a radius of about 9 km2.

Friday, December 30, 2022

National Coffee Park Kolombia

National Coffee Park Kolombia

Colombia is known as the best coffee producer in the world. Of course, coffee processing has become part of the culture in people's lives, from how to plant it to serving it. The National Coffee Park or Parque del Café in Colombia is one of the natural tourist destinations that coffee lovers must visit here. National Coffee Park is an amusement park dedicated to the culture and history of coffee in Colombia.

This amusement park is located in the Colombian Coffee Triangle (Eje ​​Cafetero), in Quindio. Before the coronavirus pandemic, the park received around 450,000 visitors annually.

Founded in 1995 by the National Federation of Colombian Coffee Growers, National Coffee Park is a non-profit initiative for the preservation of Colombia's cultural and coffee heritage, which aims to promote cultural, recreational, and ecological tourism.

The park was designed by architect Diego Arango Mora and is located 12 km from Armenia, the capital of Quindio.

The National Coffee Park consists of two main areas: at the main entrance are museum buildings and exhibits detailing the region's history, culture, and coffee growing and production processes; and in the valley beyond is an amusement park with rides and shows. The two areas are connected by two gondola lines and a mini train line. But visitors can also walk between the two areas via an ecological path that passes through coffee plantations.

parque del cafe
Variety of attractions
Upon entering the gate of the National Coffee Park in Colombia, visitors are immediately greeted by the fragrant smell of coffee, much like entering a coffee shop but in an open space.
Go up to the gazebo as high as 22 meters from the ground, so visitors can see a beautiful expanse of coffee plantations.

In addition to a coffee plantation covering an area of ​​120 thousand square meters, the National Coffee Park also offers 36 attractions for visitors of all ages. These attractions are divided into three categories:

1. Mechanical and water attractions
There are a total of 19 mechanical and water attractions for adults and children, most with a coffee theme. These attractions include the Barco del Café (Coffee Boat) which simulates open sea navigation; The Trend del Café (Coffee Train), which takes visitors on a tour of Colombia's history; and Cafeteritos, special areas for children up to 1.30 m high, and including roller coasters and a Ferris wheel.

2. Themed attractions
The Interactive Coffee Museum is one of 15 themed attractions in the park. The building has four rooms that tell the coffee story using interactive 3D videos.

Visitors can also visit Casa Campesina, a typical coffee hacienda (farm), which is characterized by an L-shaped building, wide corridors with balconies, and colorful doors. Then there is the Sendero del Café, a path that winds through a beautiful garden.
parque del cafe

3. Show attractions
El Secreto de la Naturaleza (Secrets of Nature) is a new show featuring 24 robots and electronic elements, as well as animated projections on a holographic screen. This show is about the Colombian environment and is focused on spreading the message of conservation.

The Show del Café (Coffee Show) is another show and a must-see in the park, taking visitors through the history of the coffee bean, cultural traditions, and coffee-growing regions of Colombia.

The National Coffee Park is located in Quindio in the heart of Colombia's Coffee Triangle, about 20 minutes from the city of Armenia. If you want to visit the park without having to worry about transportation, book a tour of the National Coffee Park.

The package includes transportation from all parts of Colombia to the Colombian Coffee Triangle, including from Risaralda and Caldas. A visit to Colombia would not be complete without getting to know more about the country's coffee production, which is known for its aromatic aroma and delicate taste.

Further information about the price of admission and the opening schedule for the National Coffee Park in Colombia can be found via this link.

7 Cheap Foreign Travel Destinations Without a Visa

Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, and several other Asian countries have already implemented visa-free visas for Indonesian passport holders. The following are cheap foreign tourist destinations without a visa.

However, the country that exempts the visa still has rules regarding the time limit for visiting foreign tourists. The duration varies according to the country's policies.

Summarizing from various sources, the following are visa-free foreign tourist destinations that can be considered. Starting from Asia, Europe, America, to the Middle East that you can visit.

1. Hong Kong, 20 Days Visa-Free

Hong Kong

The cost of tickets for the Indonesia-Hong Kong flight is still relatively affordable because there are many choices. Even if your main goal is not shopping, Hong Kong has several inexpensive tourist attractions that you can visit. Among them are the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Golden Beach and Repulse Bay, Victoria Park, Nan Lian Gardens, Kowloon Walled City, and many more.

2. Uzbekistan, 30 Days Visa-FreeUzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a country located between Central Asia and Eastern Europe because it was previously part of the Soviet Union.

In this country, Indonesian tourists can explore the capital city of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, which has many historical sites such as the Amir Timur Museum, Zangiota, Khazret Imam Mosque, and others.

Also take the time to go to the Bukhara region which is included in the UNESCO world heritage site or the City of Samarkand, which is the oldest city in Uzbekistan.

3. Brunei Darussalam, 14 Days Visa-Free
brunei darussalam
Brunei Darussalam is indeed known as a wealthy country because it is included in the list of countries with the highest per capita income in the world.

If you have the opportunity to visit this country, you can stop by the following tourist attractions that don't drain your pocket too much.

There is the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, Gadong Night Market, Kampong Anyer, Tasek Lama Recreational Park, Royal Regalia Museum, and Teraja Waterfall.

4. Macau, 30 Days Visa-Free
The next cheap foreign tour without a visa is Macau. This country is known as the center of the largest casino in the world.

But, don't worry because Macau also has a number of natural, historical, and entertainment attractions that you can visit.

Starting from the Macau Historical Center, Tashi Square, A-Ma Temple, City of Dreams, Macau Fisherman's Wharf, the ruins of St. Paul's cathedral, to the Giant Panda Pavilion.

5. Brazil, 30 Days Visa-Free
rio de jeneiro brazil
Shifting to the Americas, Brazil also applies for a 30-day visa-free visa for Indonesian passport holders. Popular cities that are generally visited by tourists when visiting Brazil are Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Foz does Iguacu and Florianópolis.

Some cheap tourist attractions in Brazil can also be visited, such as Parque do Ibirapuera, Jardim Botânico de Curitiba, Mini Mundo, Itamambuca beach, and Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte.

6. Qatar, 30 Days Visa-Free
In the Middle East, there is Qatar which frees visas for Indonesian citizens for 30 days. Located on a small peninsula of the Arabian Peninsula, this country has many interesting tourist attractions.

Especially in the Doha area, foreign tourists often visit Souq Waqif, a traditional market that is all-in-one, making it suitable for satisfying shopping desires.

It's incomplete if you don't try a desert safari to Qatar, which is a desert tour while riding a camel or a special car rental.

7. Morocco, 90 Days Visa-Free
From the African continent, Morocco gives a visa-free deadline of 90 days for Indonesian citizens. In this country, there are also many interesting tourist spots at affordable prices.

Visiting Morocco is less complete if you don't go to Marrakech one of the historical areas. If you want to be more relaxed at one with nature, you can stop by Essaouira because it is near the sea.

Cheap foreign tourist attractions without a visa such as in Morocco also have a popular Instagramable spot, namely the Blue City in Chefchaouen which is a shame not to be missed.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, tourist trips are still categorized as non-emergency travel, so it should not be done in order to prevent the spread and transmission of Covid-19, especially in areas where health facilities are lacking.

If you want to travel between cities or between countries, don't forget to comply with the Covid-19 prevention health protocol, by wearing a mask, washing your hands, and maintaining physical distance between visitors. Do not come when sick and go home sick.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The charm of Banyu Tibo Beach in Pacitan

Banyu Tibo Beach Tourism Object Pacitan - Banyu Tibo Beach is a beach tourism object that presents quite beautiful natural panoramas that are rarely found on beaches in Indonesia. The beach is located in Widoro Village which borders Central Java and East Java besides being decorated with clean white sand, Banyu Tibo Beach also has a waterfall that flows directly to the beach.

Besides being known as the city of a thousand caves and the birthplace of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Pacitan also has many beach attractions that have stunning views. One of them is Banyu Tibo Beach, this tour is located on the southern outskirts of Pacitan. Precisely in Widoro Village, Donorojo District, Kab. Pacitan.

Compared to other beaches in Pacitan (and also in Indonesia in general), Banyu Tibo Beach has a different atmosphere and scenery. On this beach, there is a natural phenomenon that is quite unique and rare, namely a waterfall that falls directly onto the beach. These phenomena and views are the main attraction of Banyu Tibo Beach.

Banyu Tibo Pacitan Beach, East Java, has a different view from the beaches in general. In fact, you rarely encounter this view when on vacation at the beach, which is a natural phenomenon in the form of a waterfall that falls directly onto the beach, which is the main attraction for those of you who come to this beach. Of course, you can't find such a view on every beach, and it is on this beach that you can see it directly.

The name "Banyu Tibo" itself comes from the Javanese language which means falling water. This name comes from the waterfall on the beach. This waterfall seems to have become an identity and icon for Banyu Tibo Beach in Pacitan Regency, East Java itself. So, on this beach, the atmosphere of the beauty of the beach meets the beauty of a mountain waterfall where Pacitan itself is surrounded by various mountains from all directions. In fact, you have to meet the mountains first if you want to go to Pacitan, either from any direction.

The area of ​​Banyu Tibo Beach itself is actually not that wide, even if you come during high tide, you can only enjoy the view from the top of the cliff. But when the water is receding you can freely play on the beach with soft brownish-white sand and feel the freshness of the waterfall up close. The rocks around this beach also add to the natural beauty that makes you fall in love even more.
This Waterfall in the Banyu Tibo Beach Tourism Area is formed from a tributary that empties right on the shoreline. Because the location of the river is above the beach, the mouth of this small river forms a waterfall with a height of about 2 meters.

The ticket price for entering Banyu Tibo Beach, East Java, is not too expensive, it is still very affordable. You don't need to worry about the entrance fee, because the children themselves will be charged a fee of IDR 2,000 per person on weekdays and 3,000 on holidays. Meanwhile, adults will be charged IDR 3,000 per person on weekdays and IDR 5,000 on holidays. Parking is also relatively cheap, only IDR 5,000 for car parking. Very affordable right? So you don't need to worry that coming to this beach will make your pocket even thinner.

Due to its somewhat hidden location, this beach is still not visited by many people, so take advantage of this because you can freely play on the beach without being disturbed by crowds.

To enjoy the panorama of the waterfall in the Banyu Tibo Beach Area, if visitors want to go down to the beach, visitors can use the existing stairs or visitors can go down without stairs because the distance to go down to the beach is not too high. Still, visitors are expected to remain vigilant when going down because the waves around the beach can come suddenly.

To go to the location of the Banyu Tibo Beach Tourism Area is not difficult. It is about 110 km from Solo City. The easiest way is to find a route to Klayar Beach because this beach is not far from Klayar Beach Tourism. It is recommended that you use a private vehicle. Because this beach access has not been passed by public transportation.

Thus a glimpse of the Banyu Tibo Pacitan Beach Tourism Object, all information from this beach is summarized from various sources. Thank you and I hope this is useful... Enjoy visiting.

Enjoying Sunrise Beach in the Tourism Area of ​​Sanur Beach Bali

Bali Sanur Beach Tourism - Sanur Beach is one of the most interesting places to visit on the island of Bali. This beach is located just east of the city of Denpasar, Bali. The Sanur Beach area has been famous since ancient times when the Puputan Badung war occurred on September 20, 1906, at which time Dutch troops landed their troops on Sanur beach. In the history of ancient Bali, Sanur Beach is also well known for the existence of evidence in the form of an inscribed stone monument (Blanjong inscription) which is an inscription from King Kasari Warmadewa who reigned in Singhadwala around 917 AD, where the inscription is found in Blanjong, the southern part of Object Sanur Beach Tourism.

Sanur Beach is one of the most popular white sand beach tourist destinations on the island of Bali. Apart from Kuta Bali Beach, this beach is one of the busiest beaches frequented by tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. The attraction of this tourist attraction is the beautiful view of the clean beaches and calm sea waves. So similar to Tanjung Benoa.

Another favorite activity that tourists usually do here is diving and snorkeling. The sea currents are not so fast, making it a very suitable place for this activity.

The Sanur Bali Beach Tourism Object was introduced to the international world in 1932 by a painter named A. J. Le Mayeur was a Belgian citizen. The panoramic beauty of Sanur Beach made Le Mayeur decide to stay in Sanur and then set up a painting studio. Then Le Mayeur married a Balinese girl, Ni Nyoman Pollok, a well-known Legong dancer. Now the painting studio founded by Le Mayeur is turned into a museum which is located in the area of ​​​​the Sanur Beach Tourism Area.
Besides being famous for the beauty of its natural panorama, Sanur Beach Tourism is also known as Sunrise beach or sunrise beach, in contrast to Kuta Beach which is renowned for its sunset beach.

Bali's Sanur Beach is now equipped with various tourist support facilities such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, and art shops. In addition to these facilities, a small hut has also been built on the beach area which is used for seating or relaxing while waiting for the beauty of Sunrise Beach on Sanur Beach.

The location of the Sanur Beach Tourism Object is about 6 km from downtown Denpasar and can be reached by private vehicles such as cars or motorbikes. If you use public transportation, tourists don't need to worry because public transportation is very busy going back and forth between Sanur and Denpasar. 

If you are still confused when heading to the location, you can use the Google Maps application, or ask residents around the city of Denpasar, the majority of them will definitely know the location of Sanur Beach.

That's a glimpse of the Sanur Beach Tourism Object in Bali, all information regarding Sanur beach is summarized from various sources, hopefully, it can be a reference for you regarding the Tourism Object in Sanur Bali Beach, I hope this is useful, and thank you.

Indrayanti Beach Gunungkidul, Jogja Beach Tourism with Balinese Nuances

Indrayanti Beach Tourism Object - Gunungkidul Regency is very famous for its unspoiled beaches, such as kukui, kraal, and Baron beaches. From several beach tourism destinations in Gunungkidul Regency, there is a beach that has an atmosphere like in Bali. What beach is that? The answer is Indrayanti Beach. On the Indrayanti Gunung Kidul Beach Tourism, there are restaurants and cottages lined up neatly so that it gives the impression of their own beauty at Indrayanti Beach.

The Indrayanti Gunungkidul Beach Tourism Object has a different concept compared to the beaches in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. Even though they both have stretches of white sand and coral rocks, Indrayanti Beach has a different feel, one might say Kuta Beach, Yogyakarta. To attract both foreign and local tourists, the management has given a touch that looks modern, this can be seen in the location arrangement and the provision of facilities to support the comfort of visitors in the Indrayanti Beach Tourism Area, Gunung Kidul.

When you enter the location of the Indrayanti Beach Tourism Area, Jogja, you will be spoiled with a variety of restaurants that are neatly lined up along the beach, not to forget the white sand and coral reefs that make the Enchantment of Indrayanti Beach look beautiful which you will never find on the beaches - beach in Gunungkidul Regency.

In addition, another modern concept offered at the Indrayanti Beach Tourism Object is the existence of jet ski rental facilities for beach visitors. And one thing to note, never litters, because you will be fined IDR 10,000, so don't be surprised if Indrayanti Beach looks clean and neat.
Other supporting facilities are the seven cottages which are located around the beach. The place is very comfortable because during our stay we can enjoy the atmosphere of the beach at night. To stay at the cottage, we only need to pay IDR 300 thousand – IDR 600 thousand per night.

The name Indrayanti itself comes from the name of the beach manager. The beach located in the Tepus District includes the east coast of Gunungkidul Regency. Indrayanti Beach is currently phenomenal. Many tourists come from Yogyakarta and the surrounding area.

Getting to the location of the Indrayanti Beach Tourism Area is quite easy because the access road to the beach is paved. But it is advisable for tourists to bring their own vehicles because at the Indrayanti Beach Tourism location there is no special transportation to get to the beach location. Meanwhile, the entrance ticket is IDR 5,000, both for private cars and minibusses. Read also Baron Gunungkidul Beach, Enjoying Exotic Underground River Estuaries

This is a brief review of Indrayanti Beach, hopefully, it can be a reference for you to get to know more about Indrayanti Beach, Gunungkidul, and Jogja Beach Tourism with Balinese Nuances. Thank you and hope it is helpful.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Pindul Gunung Kidul Cave Nature Tourism, Enjoy Nature with Cave Tubing

Pindul Cave Tourism Object Gunungkidul - Pindul Cave which is located in the hamlet of Titleran I, Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo District, Gunung Kidul, about 7 km to the north of Wonosari City, is one of seven caves fed by an underground river in the Beriharjo area. The Pindul Cave Tourism Object has a water depth of about 5 meters, a length of about 300 meters, and a width of 5 meters, and the distance between the roof of the cave and the water surface is about 4 meters.

In one part of Pindul Cave, precisely in the middle of the cave, there is a rather large room with a hole on top, the people around the cave call it an inverted well, and the atmosphere is even more impressive with the beautiful natural panorama with sunlight entering this room. This hole is often used as a vertical entrance by members of the Sar Team or by visitors to Pindul Cave Tourism.

History of Gao Pindul

According to stories circulating in the surrounding community, it all started with a character named Kyai Jaluwesi who had a conflict with a giant named Bendhogrowong. The two of them were involved in fighting supernatural powers, with Kyai Jaluwesi excelling. The giant then issued his knowledge due to feeling pressured. Unfortunately, the knowledge went wrong and about Widodo and Widadi's pet dog, Kyai Jaluwesi's twins. The dog, named Sona Langking, was seriously injured and ran wildly toward a water source that was behind the bushes. Kyai Jaluwesi, who followed Sona Langking's running direction, was shocked when he found that his dog had recovered from a serious injury caused by the giant's magic.

Seeing this, Kyai Jaluwesi then named the water source Mbelik Panguripan, because it was able to heal the severe injuries his dog had suffered. Sometime after that incident, a man and woman named Kyai and Nyai Sejati appeared who wanted to rule over the land around Mount Bang. They asked Kyai Jaluwesi to move from that place, and Kyai Jaluwesi agreed. Even so, Kyai Jaluwesi wanted a condition, that is, after his move, the people of Gunung Bang had to hold a clean open (river) event, leek (tayub) dancers, on Monday Most every year. Then Kyai Jaluwesi moved to the Pindul Cave area, until moksa, and is believed to be a caretaker at Pindul Cave and Mbelik Panguripan.

Of course, legends or stories circulating cannot be trusted one hundred percent, but a good reader should be able to understand what is behind each legend, not even consider it mystical or unreasonable. The Gunungkidul Pindul Cave Tourism Object, which is currently the prima donna of cave tubing tourism, is indeed very interesting and offers a different sensation from other tours that are common in Yogyakarta.

Sensasi Cave Tubing

Cave tubing is almost the same as rafting (rafting). If rafting or white water rafting is an activity along a river using a boat, then cave tubing is an activity along a cave by riding on an inner tube. Because the flow of water in the Pindul Cave Nature Tourism Object is calm and the water discharge is relatively the same both in the rainy season and the dry season, cave tubing in Pindul Cave can also be done by beginners or small children.

When you go exploring Pindul Cave, you will find a stalactite that has merged with a stalagmite so that it looks like a pillar with the width of five adult hands (Soko Guru). This stalactite is the largest in Pindul Cave and is ranked number 4 in the world.

Facilities at the Pindul Cave Tourism Object

Cave tubing tours in Pindul Cave provide guides who can guide us to cave tubing. The manager has provided cave tubing equipment such as tires and life vests, as well as headlamps. To rent these facilities, visitors will be charged a fee of around IDR. 25,000 - IDR. 30,000.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Nampu Beach, Exotic Wonogiri Beach Tourism

Nampu Beach Tourism Object - Nampu Beach is a beach tourism object located in the Wonogiri area, precisely in Dringo Village, Gunturharjo Village, Paranggupito District, Wonogiri. The distance to Nampu Beach Tourism from Wonogiri City is about 70 km or about 2 hours drive from Wonogiri city.

The Nampu Beach object offers natural beauty with stretches of white sand and coral reefs that still maintain their naturalness, the waves crashing against the rocks are one of the points of beauty that this beach has. Nampu Beach has about 3 beach points separated by green mounds of land.

Nampu Beach Tourism Object - Nampu Beach is a beach tourism object located in the Wonogiri area, precisely in Dringo Village, Gunturharjo Village, Paranggupito District, Wonogiri. The distance to Nampu Beach Tourism from Wonogiri City is about 70 km or about 2 hours drive from Wonogiri city.

The Nampu Beach object offers natural beauty with stretches of white sand and coral reefs that still maintain their naturalness, the waves crashing against the rocks are one of the points of beauty that this beach has. Nampu Beach has about 3 beach points separated by green mounds of land.

Access to Nampu Beach Tourism

To go to Nampu Beach Tourism, you can take the route from Ngadirojo District - Baturetno District - Giriwoyo - Giri Tontro - Giri Belah Intersection - Paranggupito. If you are from Surakarta City, you can take the Wonogiri City route to Paranggupito, then you will arrive at the Giri Belah intersection and continue to Paranggupito District. The entrance ticket is only Rp. 2,000 and is added with money for vehicle parking of IDR 2,000.

This is a glimpse of the Nampu Beach Tourism Object, all information regarding the beach tourism object located in Wonogiri Regency is summarized from various sources, I hope this brief review can be a reference for you to get to know more about the Exotic Beauty of Nampu Wonogiri Beach. Hope it is useful and thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The history of the Bambu Apus area and the Sacred Tombs

Bambu Apus Village is one of 8 Villages located in the Cipayung District, East Jakarta Administrative City, and is demographically located in the Eastern region of DKI Jakarta.

This area is directly bordered by Lubang Buaya Village to the north, Ceger Village to the west, Setu Village to the east, and Cipayung Village to the south.

Zaenuddin HM, explains in his book 212 Origins of Djakarta Tempo Doeloe, 377 pages thick, published by Ufuk Press in 2012, that Bambu Apus is taken from the name of a type of bamboo tree. That said, in that area, there used to grow a kind of bamboo tree called Bambu Apus, with the characteristics of a straight stem, not thorns, and relatively large leaves.

From various people, there are those who argue that the area is overgrown with rope bamboo or apus bamboo, while other opinions come from a legend about a young man who is an expert in worship who has strange healing powers when bathing on the banks of a river. local people called Mupus, only his clothes were still left lying on the banks of the river.

The Bambu Apus area was once famous for its haunted and deserted area, its infrastructure was still limited with makeshift roads, Bambu Apus is not a new place name but has existed since the Dutch colonial era, it's just that the location is in a remote place and is not listed on the Dutch colonial map hence Bambu Apus is less well known. The bamboo forest area which is close to the river is so haunted that it is known as Jin banishing its children.

As a quiet and scary suburb, the Bambu Apus area is known to be haunted and prone to crime. It is unknown how many victims died because of the ferocity of thieves and robberies in Bambu Apus.

Bambu Apus was then shunned, and the Dutch colonial troops did not even dare to linger in the area until finally, migrants from Banten and Cirebon who were famous for their kanuragan knowledge came to trade in Batavia, some decided to build settlements in the Bambu Apus area, to lead the community. he chose a village head called Mandor, a descendant of Banten nobles named Raden Abdul Wahab, then he was appointed as the first Bambu Apus village head.

According to Mr. Sudirman's narrative, the genealogy of Raden Abdul Wahab's parents was named Raden Abdul Hanan Hidayah Jonggol West Java, then traced again, who at that time had been assisted by the structure of the Banten cultural service, there was a reference that Raden Abdul Hanan had parents named Syaikh Maulana Malik Saifuddin in Pandeglang, Banten, then the parents of Shaykh Maulana Malik Saifuddin namely Prince Muzaki in Citeurep Bogor. Where Prince Muzaki actually has 4 (four) names which include Prince Muzaki and Eyang Sake, meaning Grandmother Sake is called Grandmother for parents and Sake is a drinking bowl made of bamboo.

Under the leadership of Raden Abdul Wahab who was highly knowledgeable, the Bambu Apus area was gradually becoming more and more crowded with residents. For their livelihood, they worked the rice fields and raised goldfish, and the criminals who often acted in Bambu Apus did not dare to show themselves anymore, they did not want to deal with the Banten champions led by Foreman Abdul Wahab.

The Bambu Apus people feel more at home living in an area close to the river, especially as the head of the village Raden Abdul Wahab cares about his people, he often even helps pay off taxes collected by the Dutch government.

Once upon a time, Raden Abdul Wahab had a unique habit with his people, he liked to wear fragrances sourced from the tuberose flower, occasionally he asked permission to take the tuberose flower, and out of nowhere got it when he returned Raden Abdul Wahab was already bringing the fragrant tuberose flower and fragrant, even though in the village of Bambu Apus no one grows tuberose flowers.

The ancestral grave of the Bambu Apus village community is located in Gang Mandor Abdul Wahab Bambu Apus, East Jakarta, right under an old banyan tree hundreds of years old which was planted on the orders of Raden Abdul Wahab. contemplation to hone inner sensitivity, Strangely the roots of the banyan tree did not damage Raden Abdul Wahab's tomb in the slightest, even though the surrounding graves had been damaged by the roots of the banyan tree.

Although the tomb of Raden Abdul Wahab is not very widely known by the community pilgrims, many pilgrims visit this tomb for their own purposes. some have even seen apparitions of the figure of Raden Abdul Wahab, of course, this brings a different experience for the pilgrims.

History of Ancol Development

The old logo and the newest Ancol logo

Starting from Soekarno who wanted Indonesia to have an amusement park. The Ancol project made this happen by transforming swamp areas and shrubs.

Presiden Sukarno dan Guntur Sukarnoputra naik Dumbo di Disneyland, Amerika Serikat, 4 Juni 1956
President Sukarno and Guntur Sukarnoputra ride a Dumbo at Disneyland, United States, June 4, 1956

The above photo courtesy of gettyimages.com dated June 4, 1956, shows President Soekarno and Guntur Soekarno Putra, who was then 12 years old, driving a Dumbo, one of the most exciting rides at Disneyland, United States. During that visit, almost a year after the amusement park opened, Sukarno enjoyed and showed the same enthusiasm as his son.

Soekarno visited Disneyland, Hollywood, and other entertainment venues during a three-week tour in the United States. This is where Soekarno wanted Indonesia to have a similar amusement park. When there was a proposal to turn the swampy and scrubby Ancol area into an industrial area, Soekarno rejected it. He wanted to fulfill his dream, to build the area as a tourist attraction.

According to Sugianto Sastrosoemarto and Budiono in Traces of Soekardjo Hardjosoewirjo at Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, since the 17th century, Ancol has become a tourist area. At that time, Ancol was a beautiful and clean beach area. There stood many rest houses of the Dutch elite. Even the 25th Governor General of the Dutch East Indies Adrian Valckenier (1737-1741) had a large rest house with a large garden.

The situation changed when malaria hit Batavia in the early 19th century. Ancol was not spared from malaria attacks. The Dutch didn't even dare to visit, let alone live, there.

Jakarta historian, Alwi Shahab writes that the abandoned Ancol became a thicket of forest and a monkey nest. At night, the area becomes a place for masher men and commercial sex workers. Wealthy playboy Oey Asia and a number of other rich people often have fun there. They have a Sophia or pleasure house called Bintang Mas. It is said that Oey killed a girl in one of his villas.

“The girl is identified as Ariah who disappeared around 1870/1871. She died and her body disappeared, after refusing to be raped. He later became known as 'The Sweet Ancol Bridge'...," Alwi wrote in "Recreation at the Monkey's Nest," which was published by Republika, on October 30, 2005.

During the Japanese occupation, Ancol was used as a place of execution and a mass grave for those who opposed the Japanese army. On September 14, 1946, the victims were adequately re-buried at the Ancol Cemetery. The cemetery contains more than 2,000 victims, many of whom are unnamed.

After Indonesia's independence, Jakarta began to improve. Ancol, which was previously often referred to as a place where “children throw away jinn”, was transformed into a tourist area through a Presidential Decree regarding the Ancol Project Development Committee and Government Regulation No. 51 of 1960. Soekarno appointed DKI Jakarta Governor Soemarno Sosroatmodjo as the executor of the Ancol Project development.

“Marno, as a leader, you must be able to think about what you can do for your people fifty years from now. You have to be able to imagine what your people, the people of Jakarta, need. Not for the next year or two, but the next fifty, or a hundred years. How can you provide a place that can make the people of Jakarta happy so that residents can enjoy the fresh air of the sea, can see the joy of children playing on the beach, and be touched by the crashing of the waves, and the breezy breeze." That was Soekarno's message to Soemarno which was recorded in Soekardjo's memory.

Soekardjo Hardjosoewirjo was a person who played an important role in the early stages of the realization of the Ancol Project. He drafted presidential letters regarding the Ancol Project development committee; taking care of the completeness of paperwork related to law, budgeting, and studying and completing organizational files for the implementation of the Ancol Project. After a month of working behind a desk at the DKI Jakarta Regional Government office, he was assigned as a field implementer to prepare for the construction of the Ancol Project.

Even though it was handed over to the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta, the project has become a national program because it is part of the modernization of Jakarta as the nation's capital. But the Ancol Project is a mandatory project, whose funding does not burden the state or regional budget. It is a self-propelling project or in Javanese terms, it is called the "poor duck project".

To meet the funding needs, the project relies on loans from the private sector. Because the domestic contractor did not meet the criteria from a technical point of view, let alone financing, work on the Ancol Project was offered to a foreign contractor. Proposals were provided to the United States, Japan, and France. The choice finally fell on the contractor from France, Compagnie Industriale de Travaux (Citra).

Citra is only working on the first phase of construction: filling in swamps, ponds, and scrub forests with approximately 12.5 million cubic meters of material, as well as acquiring 552 hectares of land. The first phase of construction was completed in February 1966.

“It was very fortunate that when the G30S (30 September 1965 Movement) tragedy erupted, the first phase of stockpiling was almost complete. If when the G30S erupted the first phase of this project had not been completed, it is certainly hard to imagine what would have happened," wrote Sugianto and Budiono.

When the political and economic situation gradually improved, the Ancol Project was continued under the leadership of DKI Governor Ali Sadikin, Soemarno's replacement. The construction of Ancol was carried out by PD Pembangunan Jaya. Ciputra as CEO of PT Pembangunan Jaya proposed the concept of development and development of the Ancol area to Ali Sadikin.

"Make Ancol on a par with America's Disneyland," said Ali Sadikin to Ciputra in Ciputra Quantum Leap.

According to Hermawan Kertajaya, Disneyland was approached to build one of its theme parks in Jakarta. But the effort was not successful.

"Even the name cannot be used, even if for example, they don't spend any money on the theme park being built in Jakarta," Hermawan wrote in 100 Corporate Marketing Cases.

Even though they refused, Disneyland opened itself up for Indonesia to learn. When they were about to build Dunia Fantasi (Dufan), the entire Ancol team of architects and technicians was sent to America to see and learn about Disneyland. "It's just that Ancol doesn't imitate Disneyland, but develops its own Indonesian-style fantasies and creations," said Soekardjo as quoted by Sugianto and Budiono.

Ancol continues to develop various Indonesian-flavored recreational rides. This is what is interesting and distinguishes Ancol from the mainstream of world tourism which tends to be Western. However, Ancol is no less than similar amusement parks in the world.

"Currently, Ancol is a tourist area that is included in the top five largest entertainment tourism areas in the world... Ancol is only beaten by Disneyland and Disney World," said Ciputra in the Ciputra Quantum Leap. Sukarno's desire for a tourist object to become the pride of the nation was realized.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Digital TV Innovation Provides Latest Services

The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia will end Analog TV broadcasts or Analog Switch Off (ASO) no later than November 2, 2022. ASO ends in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation Article 78 Number 3 of the Post, Telecommunication, and Broadcasting Sector (Postelsiar) which is being carried out in stages starting on April 30, 2022.

Special Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information, Rosarita Niken Widiastuti said, in most areas in Indonesia on November 2, 2022, Analog TV broadcasts will be turned off.
So to switch to Digital TV broadcasts in a very easy way, you just need to add a device called a set-top box that is added to an Analog TV set. So Analog TV can be a flat screen that is not yet digital or tube TV so that people can enjoy Digital TV broadcasts," he said, Sunday (20/10/2022) on the sidelines of the Socialization of the New Era of Digital TV Broadcasts entitled "Goodbye to Analog TV Broadcasts: Indonesia is Ready ASO” in Mataram Udayana Gora Earth Park.

He explained, Digital TV broadcasts are not subscription TV or don't pay a month but only once, namely buying a set-top box that is certified by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics. Extremely poor households will receive free set-top box assistance from broadcasting institutions providing multiplexing infrastructure (MUX). If later there is a shortage, the government will add it so that the extremely poor households get a set-top box.

For certain areas where set-top box distribution has not yet been completed and infrastructure development is still in progress, the closure of Analog TV broadcasts will be adjusted according to the readiness of the region.

"Meanwhile, for areas where the distribution of set-top boxes for this assistance has not been evenly distributed and is still in the process, it will not be closed yet. But later it will be 100 percent, of course, the Analog TV broadcast will be closed soon, "he said.
Niken appealed to people who can afford to buy a set-top box as soon as possible so they can get better broadcast quality, clearer sound, better pictures, and advanced technology.

The Information and Communication Ministry has carried out socialization on the migration of analog TV to digital TV for more than a year through various events that involve the wider community so that the transition and closure of analog TV to digital TV is massively conveyed.

"Like this morning, the Car Free Day (CFD) event was held simultaneously in 20 cities throughout Indonesia. So we come to the community, inviting the community to joint activities as well as socializing the termination of Analog TV broadcasts," he said.

The former Managing Director of LPP RRI added that there were many benefits to be gained from Digital TV. In addition to good picture quality, this Digital TV switch is also to expand internet access. So that for areas where the internet is still slow or slow, it will no longer exist after the frequency is set, they will get better and faster internet access.

"Communities in NTB and other communities in Indonesia can successfully transition analog TV to digital TV by adding set-top boxes to analog TV in their respective homes," he said.