Friday, December 30, 2022

7 Cheap Foreign Travel Destinations Without a Visa

Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, and several other Asian countries have already implemented visa-free visas for Indonesian passport holders. The following are cheap foreign tourist destinations without a visa.

However, the country that exempts the visa still has rules regarding the time limit for visiting foreign tourists. The duration varies according to the country's policies.

Summarizing from various sources, the following are visa-free foreign tourist destinations that can be considered. Starting from Asia, Europe, America, to the Middle East that you can visit.

1. Hong Kong, 20 Days Visa-Free

Hong Kong

The cost of tickets for the Indonesia-Hong Kong flight is still relatively affordable because there are many choices. Even if your main goal is not shopping, Hong Kong has several inexpensive tourist attractions that you can visit. Among them are the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Golden Beach and Repulse Bay, Victoria Park, Nan Lian Gardens, Kowloon Walled City, and many more.

2. Uzbekistan, 30 Days Visa-FreeUzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a country located between Central Asia and Eastern Europe because it was previously part of the Soviet Union.

In this country, Indonesian tourists can explore the capital city of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, which has many historical sites such as the Amir Timur Museum, Zangiota, Khazret Imam Mosque, and others.

Also take the time to go to the Bukhara region which is included in the UNESCO world heritage site or the City of Samarkand, which is the oldest city in Uzbekistan.

3. Brunei Darussalam, 14 Days Visa-Free
brunei darussalam
Brunei Darussalam is indeed known as a wealthy country because it is included in the list of countries with the highest per capita income in the world.

If you have the opportunity to visit this country, you can stop by the following tourist attractions that don't drain your pocket too much.

There is the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, Gadong Night Market, Kampong Anyer, Tasek Lama Recreational Park, Royal Regalia Museum, and Teraja Waterfall.

4. Macau, 30 Days Visa-Free
The next cheap foreign tour without a visa is Macau. This country is known as the center of the largest casino in the world.

But, don't worry because Macau also has a number of natural, historical, and entertainment attractions that you can visit.

Starting from the Macau Historical Center, Tashi Square, A-Ma Temple, City of Dreams, Macau Fisherman's Wharf, the ruins of St. Paul's cathedral, to the Giant Panda Pavilion.

5. Brazil, 30 Days Visa-Free
rio de jeneiro brazil
Shifting to the Americas, Brazil also applies for a 30-day visa-free visa for Indonesian passport holders. Popular cities that are generally visited by tourists when visiting Brazil are Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Foz does Iguacu and Florianópolis.

Some cheap tourist attractions in Brazil can also be visited, such as Parque do Ibirapuera, Jardim Botânico de Curitiba, Mini Mundo, Itamambuca beach, and Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte.

6. Qatar, 30 Days Visa-Free
In the Middle East, there is Qatar which frees visas for Indonesian citizens for 30 days. Located on a small peninsula of the Arabian Peninsula, this country has many interesting tourist attractions.

Especially in the Doha area, foreign tourists often visit Souq Waqif, a traditional market that is all-in-one, making it suitable for satisfying shopping desires.

It's incomplete if you don't try a desert safari to Qatar, which is a desert tour while riding a camel or a special car rental.

7. Morocco, 90 Days Visa-Free
From the African continent, Morocco gives a visa-free deadline of 90 days for Indonesian citizens. In this country, there are also many interesting tourist spots at affordable prices.

Visiting Morocco is less complete if you don't go to Marrakech one of the historical areas. If you want to be more relaxed at one with nature, you can stop by Essaouira because it is near the sea.

Cheap foreign tourist attractions without a visa such as in Morocco also have a popular Instagramable spot, namely the Blue City in Chefchaouen which is a shame not to be missed.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, tourist trips are still categorized as non-emergency travel, so it should not be done in order to prevent the spread and transmission of Covid-19, especially in areas where health facilities are lacking.

If you want to travel between cities or between countries, don't forget to comply with the Covid-19 prevention health protocol, by wearing a mask, washing your hands, and maintaining physical distance between visitors. Do not come when sick and go home sick.

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