Friday, December 30, 2022

National Coffee Park Kolombia

National Coffee Park Kolombia

Colombia is known as the best coffee producer in the world. Of course, coffee processing has become part of the culture in people's lives, from how to plant it to serving it. The National Coffee Park or Parque del Café in Colombia is one of the natural tourist destinations that coffee lovers must visit here. National Coffee Park is an amusement park dedicated to the culture and history of coffee in Colombia.

This amusement park is located in the Colombian Coffee Triangle (Eje ​​Cafetero), in Quindio. Before the coronavirus pandemic, the park received around 450,000 visitors annually.

Founded in 1995 by the National Federation of Colombian Coffee Growers, National Coffee Park is a non-profit initiative for the preservation of Colombia's cultural and coffee heritage, which aims to promote cultural, recreational, and ecological tourism.

The park was designed by architect Diego Arango Mora and is located 12 km from Armenia, the capital of Quindio.

The National Coffee Park consists of two main areas: at the main entrance are museum buildings and exhibits detailing the region's history, culture, and coffee growing and production processes; and in the valley beyond is an amusement park with rides and shows. The two areas are connected by two gondola lines and a mini train line. But visitors can also walk between the two areas via an ecological path that passes through coffee plantations.

parque del cafe
Variety of attractions
Upon entering the gate of the National Coffee Park in Colombia, visitors are immediately greeted by the fragrant smell of coffee, much like entering a coffee shop but in an open space.
Go up to the gazebo as high as 22 meters from the ground, so visitors can see a beautiful expanse of coffee plantations.

In addition to a coffee plantation covering an area of ​​120 thousand square meters, the National Coffee Park also offers 36 attractions for visitors of all ages. These attractions are divided into three categories:

1. Mechanical and water attractions
There are a total of 19 mechanical and water attractions for adults and children, most with a coffee theme. These attractions include the Barco del Café (Coffee Boat) which simulates open sea navigation; The Trend del Café (Coffee Train), which takes visitors on a tour of Colombia's history; and Cafeteritos, special areas for children up to 1.30 m high, and including roller coasters and a Ferris wheel.

2. Themed attractions
The Interactive Coffee Museum is one of 15 themed attractions in the park. The building has four rooms that tell the coffee story using interactive 3D videos.

Visitors can also visit Casa Campesina, a typical coffee hacienda (farm), which is characterized by an L-shaped building, wide corridors with balconies, and colorful doors. Then there is the Sendero del Café, a path that winds through a beautiful garden.
parque del cafe

3. Show attractions
El Secreto de la Naturaleza (Secrets of Nature) is a new show featuring 24 robots and electronic elements, as well as animated projections on a holographic screen. This show is about the Colombian environment and is focused on spreading the message of conservation.

The Show del Café (Coffee Show) is another show and a must-see in the park, taking visitors through the history of the coffee bean, cultural traditions, and coffee-growing regions of Colombia.

The National Coffee Park is located in Quindio in the heart of Colombia's Coffee Triangle, about 20 minutes from the city of Armenia. If you want to visit the park without having to worry about transportation, book a tour of the National Coffee Park.

The package includes transportation from all parts of Colombia to the Colombian Coffee Triangle, including from Risaralda and Caldas. A visit to Colombia would not be complete without getting to know more about the country's coffee production, which is known for its aromatic aroma and delicate taste.

Further information about the price of admission and the opening schedule for the National Coffee Park in Colombia can be found via this link.

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