Free tours in Jakarta that are comfortable and enjoyable for those of you who want to vacation around the city of Jakarta


Banyu Tibo Beach is a beach tourism object that presents quite beautiful natural panoramas that are rarely found on beaches in Indonesia.

Pindul Gunung Kidul Cave Nature Tourism

Enjoy Nature with Cave Tubing


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Nampu Beach, Exotic Wonogiri Beach Tourism


The branch of study known as the history of mathematics is the investigation of the origins of discoveries in mathematics and, to a lesser extent, the investigation of the methods and notation of mathematics in the past


In the beginning, the big island of Krakatau, which we usually call by the name of Mount Krakatau, was a mountain (ancient Mount Krakatau) which has a height of about 2000 meters above sea level with a circle of beaches of about 11 km and a radius of about 9 km2.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Inventor of the Chicken Claw Foundation

Prof. Ir. R.M. Sedyatmo. He was born in Karanganyar, Central Java in 1909 he was an Indonesian engineer. Ir. Sedyatmo is often nicknamed "The Kancil" because he is famous for his many ingenuity studies at the Technische Hogeschool (THS) (now ITB) Bandung.

After leaving THS in 1934, Sedyatmo worked as a planning engineer for various government agencies. Sedyatmo is known as the inventor of the "Chicken Claw Foundation" in 1962. Sedyatmo's invention was initially used in the construction of the Juanda Naval Airport Apron, Surabaya, Polonia Airport Runway, Medan, and Soekarno-Hatta Airport Runway, Jakarta. The results of these findings have been patented and used abroad.

The chicken claw foundation consists of a reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 10-15 cm, depending on the type of construction and the condition of the soil beneath it. Under the concrete slab, pipe pits are made with an axis spacing of 2-3 m. The diameter of the pipe is 1.20 m, the thickness is 8 cm, and the length depends on the load on the plate and the soil conditions. Single reinforcement is used for pipes, while double reinforcement is used for plates.

The chicken claw foundation system is very simple, so it is very suitable to be applied in areas where modern equipment and skilled workers are hard to come by. To some extent, this system can replace pile foundations. For a 3-4 story building, for example, the chicken claw system will cost the same as a 12-meter pile foundation.
Chicken Claw Foundation

However, Sedyatmo was not a scientist who was hungry for awards. His humble attitude and high dedication to the nation are the spirits of his creations. And uniquely, Sedyatmo always emphasizes the importance of intuition and observation of the universe. His chicken claw work is a testament to how his creations were inspired by the roots of the coconut tree.

Some of Sedyatmo's other well-known works are the hydraulic pump, the Jatiluhur dam, and even the Suramadu bridge built based on Sedyatmo's initial concept. Not surprisingly, his extraordinary contribution to engineering knowledge won Sedyatmo a number of international awards.

Name Ir. Sedyatmo was later immortalized as the name of the freeway (Toll Road) from Jakarta to Soekarno-Hatta airport. Professor Sedyatmo died at the age of 75 in 1984 and was buried in Karanganyar. The Indonesian government awarded Sedyatmo the Class I Mahaputra Star for his services.

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Biografi Ismail Marzuki Sang Mestro Musik

Ismail Marzuki
Ismail Marzuki termasuk pahlawan nasional yang dikenal sebagai salah satu sang maestro musik Indonesia. Dari tangannya, banyak tercipta karya-karya lagu perjuangan yang sampai sekarang terus dinyanyikan oleh rakyat Indonesia. Besarnya jasa Ismail Marzuki membuat pemerintah Indonesia menganugerahkan gelar Pahlawan Nasional kepada Ismail Marzuki.
Nama : Ismail Marzuki
Lahir : Jakarta, 11 Mei 1914
Wafat : Jakarta, 25 Mei 1958
Orang Tua : Marzuki (ayah), Solechah (ibu)
Istri : Eulis Zuraidah
Anak : Rachmi Aziah
Gelar : Pahlawan Nasional

Ismail Marzuki lahir di Kwitang, Senen, Batavia, 11 Mei 1914. Ismail Marzuki yang lebih dikenal dengan panggilan Maing. Ia merupakan anak dari keluarga keturunan Betawi. Ismail Marzuki dikenal memiliki bakat seni yang sulit dicari bandingannya. Sosoknya pun mengagumkan. Ia merupakan anak dari pasangan Marzuki dan Solechah.

Dalam biografi Ismail Marzuki, ia terkenal sebagai pemuda yang berkepribadian luhur dan tergolong anak pintar. Ismail sejak muda senang tampil necis. Bajunya disetrika licin, sepatunya mengkilat dan ia senang berdasi. Darah seni Ismail mengalir dari ayahnya, Marzuki, yang saat itu seorang pegawai di perusahaan Ford Reparatieer TIO.

Ayahnya, Marzuki dikenal gemar memainkan kecapi dan piawai melagukan syair-syair yang bernafaskan Islam. Jadi tidak aneh kalau kemudian Ismail sejak kecil sudah tertarik dengan lagu-lagu.
Orang tua Ismail Marzuki yakni Marzuki dan Solechah termasuk golongan masyarakat Betawi intelek yang berpikiran maju. Ismail Marzuki yang dipanggil dengan nama Ma’ing, sejak bocah sudah menunjukkan minat yang besar terhadap seni musik.

Ayahnya berpenghasilan cukup sehingga sanggup membeli piringan hitam dan gramafon yang populer disebut “mesin ngomong” oleh masyarakat Betawi tempo dulu. Ismail Marzuki di sekolahkan ayahnya ke sebuah sekolah Kristen HIS Idenburg, Menteng.

Nama panggilannya di sekolah adalah Benyamin. Tapi kemudian ayahnya merasa khawatir kalau nantinya bersifat kebelanda-belandaan, Ismail Marzuki lalu dipindahkan ke Madrasah Unwanul-Falah di Kwitang. Beranjak dewasa, dia dibelikan ayahnya alat musik sederhana.

Bahkan tiap naik kelas Ismail Marzuki diberi hadiah harmonika, mandolin, dan gitar. Setelah lulus, ia masuk sekolah MULO dan membentuk grup musik sendiri. Di situ dia memainkan alat musik banyo dan gemar memainkan lagu-lagu gaya Dixieland serta lagu-lagu Barat yang digandrungi pada masa itu.

Setelah tamat MULO, Ismail Marzuki bekerja di Socony Service Station sebagai kasir dengan gaji 30 gulden sebulan, sehingga dia sanggup menabung untuk membeli biola. Namun, pekerjaan sebagai kasir dirasakan kurang cocok baginya.

Ia kemudian pindah pekerjaan dengan gaji tidak tetap sebagai verkoper (penjual) piringan hitam produksi Columbia dan Polydor yang berkantor di Jalan Noordwijk (sekarang Jalan Ir. H. Juanda) Jakarta.

Terjun Ke Dunia Musik
Penghasilannya tergantung pada jumlah piringan hitam yang dia jual. Rupanya, pekerjaan ini hanya sebagai batu loncatan ke jenjang karier berikutnya dalam bidang musik.
Selama bekerja sebagai penjual piringan hitam, Ismail Marzuki banyak berkenalan dengan artis pentas, film, musik dan penyanyi, di antaranya Zahirdin, Yahya, Kartolo, dan Roekiah (orangtua Rachmat Kartolo). Pada 1936, Ismail Marzuki memasuki perkumpulan orkes musik Lief Jawa sebagai pemain gitar, saksofon, dan harmonium pompa.

Menciptakan Lagu Sendiri
Tahun 1934, Belanda membentuk Nederlands Indische Radio Omroep Maatshappij (NIROM) dan orkes musik Lief Java mendapat kesempatan untuk mengisi acara siaran musik. Tapi Ismail Marzuki mulai menjauhkan diri dari lagu-lagu Barat, kemudian menciptakan lagu-lagu sendiri antara lain “Ali Baba Rumba”, “Ohle le di Kotaraja”, dan “Ya Aini”.

Lagu ciptaannya kemudian direkam kedalam piringan hitam di Singapura. Orkes musiknya punya sebuah lagu pembukaan yang mereka namakan Sweet Jaya Islander.

Lagu tersebut tanpa pemberitahuan maupun basa-basi dijadikan lagu pembukaan siaran radio NIROM, sehingga grup musik Ismail Marzuki mengajukan protes, namun protes mereka tidak digubris oleh direktur NIROM.

Pada periode 1936-1937, Ismail Marzuki mulai mempelajari berbagai jenis lagu tradisional dan lagu Barat. Ini terlibat pada beberapa ciptaannya dalam periode tersebut, “My Hula-hula Girl”. Kemudian lagu ciptaannya “Bunga Mawar dari Mayangan” dan “Duduk Termenung” dijadikan tema lagu untuk film “Terang Bulan”.

Awal Perang Dunia II (1940) mulai mempengaruhi kehidupan di Hindia-Belanda (Indonesia). Radio NIROM mulai membatasi acara siaran musiknya, sehingga beberapa orang Indonesia di Betawi mulai membuat radio sendiri dengan nama Vereneging Oostersche Radio Omroep (VORO) berlokasi di Kramat Raya. Antena pemancar mereka buat sendiri dari batang bambu.

Tiap malam Minggu orkes Lief Java mengadakan siaran khusus dengan penyanyi antara lain Annie Landouw. Ismail Marzuki malah jadi pemain musik sekaligus mengisi acara lawak dengan nama samaran “Paman Lengser” dibantu oleh “Botol Kosong” alias Memet.

Karena Ismail Marzuki sangat gemar memainkan berbagai jenis alat musik, suatu waktu dia diberi hadiah sebuah saksofon oleh kawannya yang ternyata menderita penyakit paru-paru. Setelah dokter menjelaskan pada Ismail Marzuki, lalu alat tiup tersebut dimusnahkan. Tapi, mulai saat itu pula penyakit paru-paru mengganggunya.

Membentuk Perikatan Radio Ketimuran (PRK)
Ketika Ismail Marzuki membentuk organisasi Perikatan Radio Ketimuran (PRK), pihak Belanda memintanya untuk memimpin orkes studio ketimuran yang berlokasi di Bandung (Tegal-Lega). Orkesnya membawakan lagu-lagu Barat.

Pada periode ini dia banyak mempelajari bentuk-bentuk lagu Barat, yang digubahnya dan kemudian diterjemahkannya ke dalam nada-nada Indonesia.

Sebuah lagu Rusia ciptaan R. Karsov diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Sunda menjadi “Panon Hideung”. Sebuah lagu ciptaannya berbahasa Belanda tapi memiliki intonasi Timur yakni lagu “Als de orchideen bloeien”. Lagu ini kemudian direkam oleh perusahaan piringan hitam His Master Voice (HMV). Kelak lagu ini diterjemahkan lagi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan judul “Bila Anggrek Mulai Berbunga”.

Tahun 1940, Ismail Marzuki menikah dengan penyanyi kroncong Eulis Zuraidah. Pada Maret 1942, saat Jepang menduduki seluruh Indonesia, Radio NIROM dibubarkan diganti dengan nama Hoso Kanri Kyoku. PRK juga dibubarkan Jepang, dan orkes Lief Java berganti nama Kireina Jawa.

Menciptakan Lagu Perjuangan
Saat itu Ismail Marzuki mulai memasuki periode menciptakan lagu-lagu perjuangan. Mula-mula syair lagunya masih berbentuk puitis yang lembut seperti “Kalau Melati Mekar Setangkai”, “Kembang Rampai dari Bali” dan bentuk hiburan ringan, bahkan agak mengarah pada bentuk seriosa.

Dalam Biografi Ismail Marzuki diketahui bahwa pada periode 1943-1944, Ismail Marzuki menciptakan lagu yang mulai mengarah pada lagu-lagu perjuangan, antara lain “Rayuan Pulau Kelapa”, “Bisikan Tanah Air”, “Gagah Perwira”, dan “Indonesia Tanah Pusaka”.

Kepala bagian propaganda Jepang, Sumitsu, mencurigai lagu-lagu tersebut lalu melaporkannya ke pihak Kenpetai (Polisi Militer Jepang), sehingga Ismail Marzuki sempat diancam oleh Kenpetai. Namun, putra Betawi ini tak gentar. Perjuangan Ismail Marzuki selanjutnya pada 1945 menciptakan lagu “Selamat Jalan Pahlawan Muda”.

Setelah Perang Dunia II, ciptaan lagu Ismail Marzuki terus mengalir, antara lain “Jauh di Mata di Hati Jangan” (1947) dan “Halo-halo Bandung” (1948). Ketika itu Ismail Marzuki dan istrinya pindah ke Bandung karena rumah mereka di Jakarta kena dihantam peluru mortir.

Ketika berada di Bandung selatan, ayah Ismail Marzuki di Jakarta meninggal. Ismail Marzuki terlambat menerima berita. Ketika dia tiba di Jakarta, ayahnya telah beberapa hari dimakamkan. Kembang-kembang yang menghiasi makam ayahnya dan telah layu, mengilhaminya untuk menciptakan lagu “Gugur Bunga”.

Lagu-lagu ciptaan lainnya mengenai masa perjuangan yang bergaya romantis tanpa mengurangi nilai-nilai semangat perjuangan antara lain “Ke Medan Jaya”, “Sepasang Mata Bola”, “Selendang Sutra”, “Melati di Tapal Batas Bekasi”, “Saputangan dari Bandung Selatan”, “Selamat Datang Pahlawan Muda”.

Lagu hiburan populer yang (kental) bernafaskan cinta pun sampai-sampai diberi suasana kisah perjuangan kemerdekaan. Misalnya syair lagu “Tinggi Gunung Seribu Janji”, dan “Juwita Malam”.

Lagu-lagu yang khusus mengisahkan kehidupan para pejuang kemerekaan, syairnya dibuat ringan dalam bentuk populer, tidak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia tinggi yang sulit dicerna. Simak saja syair “Oh Kopral Jono” dan “Sersan Mayorku”.

Lagu-lagu ciptaannya yang berbentuk romantis murni hiburan ringan, walaupun digarap secara populer tapi bentuk syairnya berbobot seriosa. Misalnya lagu “Aryati”, “Oh Angin Sampaikan". Tahun 1950 dia masih mencipta lagu “Irian Samba” dan tahun 1957 lagu “Inikah Bahagia” suatu lagu yang banyak memancing tanda tanya dari para pengamat musik.

Sampai pada lagu ciptaan yang ke 100-an, Ismail Marzuki masih merasa belum puas dan belum bahagia. Malah, lagu ciptaannya yang ke-103 tidak sempat diberi judul dan syair.

Ismail Marzuki Wafat
Hingga Ma’ing alias Ismail Marzuki komponis besar Indonesia itu menutup mata selamanya pada 25 Mei 1958. Peran Ismail Marzuki terhadap sejarah musik Indonesia sangat vital, khususnya lagu-lagu perjuangan yang ia ciptakan.
Makam Ismail Marzuki di TPU Karet Bivak Jakarta
Karya Lagu Ismail Marzuki
* Aryati
* Gugur Bunga
* Melati di Tapal Batas (1947)
* Wanita
* Rayuan Pulau Kelapa
* Sepasang Mata Bola (1946)
* Bandung Selatan di Waktu Malam (1948)
* O Sarinah (1931)
* Keroncong Serenata
* Kasim Baba
* Bandaneira
* Lenggang Bandung
* Sampul Surat
* Karangan Bunga dari Selatan
* Selamat Datang Pahlawan Muda (1949)
* Juwita Malam
* Sabda Alam
* Roselani
* Rindu Lukisan
* Indonesia Pusaka

Terima kasih anda telah mengunjungi blog Cinta Negeri.

Commodore Yos Sudarso Biography

Vice Admiral TNI (Ant) Yosaphat Soedarso
Yos Sudarso's name is known by the Indonesian people as a national hero, and his name has been immortalized as the name of a street in Indonesian territory and also an island in Papua. He died in the Aru Sea, on January 15, 1962, at the age of 36 aboard the KRI Macan Tutul on a mission to liberate West Irian (Papua) through the battle of the Aru Sea after his ship KRI Macan Tutul was shot by the patrol boat Hr. Ms. Eversten belonged to the Dutch fleet during the Trikora campaign.

In many books that review the biography and profile of Vice Admiral TNI (Ant) Yosaphat Soedarso, better known as Yos Sudarso, he is said to have been born in the Salatiga region, Central Java on November 24, 1925. He was born with the full name Yosaphat Soedarso from a married couple Sukarno Darmoprawiro and Mariyam. Yos Sudarso's father worked as a policeman during the colonial period.

Since childhood, Yos Sudarso was known as a person who was calm, intelligent, and polite in socializing. When he was still a child, he attended HIS (Hollandsch Inlandsch School) school which was at the elementary level, graduating from there in 1940 he then entered MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs) in the city of Semarang.

After only five months of going to school, Japan then came to colonize Indonesia. Yos Sudarso finally returned to Salatiga and chose to continue his junior high school education there until 1943. After graduating from there, he then entered a teacher's school in the Muntilan area.

Join the Navy
However, he did not complete his education at the school because at that time there was a transfer of power from the Netherlands to Japan. Finally, Yos Sudarso entered the Maritime High School in Semarang, where he studied for a year and received officer education at Goo Osamu Butai and became the best graduate. His achievements led him to be hired as a pilot on the Goo Usamu Butai ship.

When the proclamation of Indonesian independence was proclaimed on August 17, 1945, Yos Sudarso then joined the Maritime BKR (People's Security Agency), which was later named the Republic of Indonesia Navy Army (ALRI).

Here Yos Sudarso often took part in military missions or operations in quelling rebellions that occurred in the areas at that time. Even though at that time the fleet of ships owned by Indonesia was still very minimal.

In 1950, the Netherlands recognized Indonesian sovereignty. Yos Sudarso was also appointed as the commander of the ship on KRI Alu. Then move to KRI Gajah Mada, KRI Rajawali to KRI Pattimura. Yos even served as a court judge even though it was only 4 months in 1958 to be precise.

In 1959, the internal upheaval in the Navy reached its peak. Yos Sudarso along with Colonel Ali Sadikin and other officers disagreed with the leadership of Admiral Subiyakto, who at that time served as the chief of staff of the navy.
The conflict caused Admiral Subiyakto to be replaced by Colonel R.E Martadinata as the new chief of staff. Not long after that, Yos Sudarso quickly rose in rank from deputy to commodore (first admiral).

The Heroic Story of Yos Sudarso and the Famous Battle of the Aru Sea
In 1961, the confrontation between Indonesia and the Netherlands over the liberation of West Irian from Dutch hands reached its climax. President Soekarno at that time formed the People's Tri Command (Trikora) and the following year, in 1962, Soekarno formed the Mandala Command in the liberation of West Irian with headquarters in Makassar. Yos Sudarso was entrusted with the task of Deputy for Operations.

A tough task for Yos Sudarso. The heroic story of Yos Sudarso's battle finally happened on January 15, 1962. At that time Yos Sudarso was on patrol with three ships namely the KRI Macan Tutul, KRI Macan Kumbang, and KRI Harimau under his command.
The silent operation was carried out around the Aru sea area around the Maluku region. It wasn't long before the Dutch Neptune planes on patrol dropped flares. The situation that was quiet and dark then turned bright. Three Dutch ships with full weaponry and larger sizes then appeared to split the night sky.

The three Dutch ships were already waiting for them. The first warning shot was fired by the Dutch and fell beside the KRI Harimau. Colonel Sudomo then ordered return fire but missed.

Yos Sudarso, who realized that this battle would be unequal in terms of weapons, he then ordered the three ships under his command to temporarily withdraw. A 180-degree maneuver was then carried out by the three ships. But unlucky, the KRI Macan Tutul boarded by Commodore Yos Sudarso got stuck.

The Dutch thought that the Indonesian ships would maneuver to attack. The Dutch then opened fire to attack. KRI Macan Tutul at that time faced a Dutch destroyer. Yos Sudarso then ordered the KRI Macan Tutul to attach the body so that the other two ships could leave the battlefield.

The first shot fired by the Dutch destroyer missed the KRI Macan Tutul. On the next occasion, the shot fired by the Dutch destroyer finally hit the hull of the KRI Macan Tutul, hull number 650.

The death of Yos Sudarso
The West German-made KRI Macan Tutul caught fire and slowly sank to the bottom of the ocean with 24 crew members. The rest of the crew who survived became prisoners of the Dutch. Commodore Yos Sudarso's last sentence just before the ship sank was:
"Stir up the Fighting Spirit" he radioed to the other two ships that had survived.
Commodore Yos Sudarso, who as a child dreamed of becoming a soldier, finally died at sea while defending the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. He left a wife named Siti Kustini and five children. The Indonesian government awarded Yos Sudarso the title of National Hero for his services. His name is also immortalized as a street name in various regions in Indonesia.

Many veils covered the death of Yos Sudarso in the battle at the Arafuru Sea. Starting from the leak of the secret operation by the Dutch, then the government did not know about this operation, such as President Soekarno, as written in the book Conspiracy Behind the Sinking of Matjan Tutul (2011) by journalist Julius Pour.

In addition, the Air Force (Air Force) was accused of being the party most responsible for the incident because it did not provide aircraft assistance which resulted in the removal of KSAU Admiral Suryadarma who was replaced by Lt. Col. Omar Dhani as told in the book Dan Toch Maar! (2009) written by Sukono.

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Friday, April 19, 2019

Biography of Husein Mutahar Mr. Paskibraka

Have you ever heard the song Thanksgiving, one of the Indonesian national songs that are very pleasing to hear, a song of gratitude to God Almighty for the independence of the Indonesian nation that has been achieved?

You should know that the creator of the Thanksgiving song was one of the founders of Paskibra in Indonesia, namely Habib Muhammad Husein bin Salim bin Ahmad Al-Muthahar or better known as Husein Mutahar, born in Semarang, Central Java, August 5, 1916, and died in Jakarta, June 9, 2004, at the age of 87, he is one of the composers of Indonesian music, especially for the category of national and children's anthems.

His popular songs are the Thanksgiving Hymn introduced in January 1945 and the Merdeka Day Mars in 1946. His last work, the song Dirgahayu Indonesia, became the official song for the 50th anniversary of Indonesian Independence. And his children's songs include: "Happy", "Cross Applause", "Let's Clap", "Safely", "Don't Give Up", "When You Say Goodbye", and "Scouting Hymn".

He is very active in scouting activities and is the main figure of Pandu Rakyat Indonesia, an independent scouting movement with nationalist leanings. And he is also known to be very anti-communist. When the entire scouting movement was merged into the Scout Movement, Husein Mutahar also became one of the main figures in it. His name is also involved in establishing and fostering the Heritage Flag Raising Troop (Paskibraka), a team consisting of students from various parts of Indonesia whose job is to raise the Heritage Flag in the commemoration ceremony of Indonesian Independence Day.
Husein Mutahar
Husein Mutahar spent a year's education at the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University from 1946-1947, and after graduating from MULO B (1934) and AMS A-I (1938). In 1945, Mutahar worked as Secretary to the Commander of the Indonesian Navy in Yogyakarta, then became a high official at the State Secretariat in Yogyakarta (1947). Furthermore, he got positions that jumped up and down between departments. The pinnacle of his career was as the Indonesian Ambassador to the Holy See (Vatican) (1969-1973). He masters at least 6 (six) languages ​​actively. His last position was as Acting Secretary General of the Department of Foreign Affairs (1974).

As one of the President's aides, Habib Husein Mutahar was given the task of arranging the flag-raising ceremony when the Republic of Indonesia celebrated its first independence anniversary, on August 17, 1946. According to his thinking, the flag-raising should be done by youths representing Indonesian regions. He then chose five youths who were domiciled in Yogyakarta (three boys and two girls) as representatives for their region.
Raising the Red and White Flag August 17, 1946

In 1967, as director general of youth and scouting affairs, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Husein Mutahar was asked by President Soeharto to draw up the procedure for raising the Heritage Flag. And the procedure for raising the Heritage Flag was arranged to be hoisted by one troop which was divided into three groups:
Group 17 as accompanist or guide
Group 8 as the core group of flag bearers
Group 45 as bodyguards.
The division into three groups is a symbol of the date of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. 
The story of Husein Mutahar, Mr. Paskibraka who saved the Heritage flag from the Dutch attack
Along with the growing popularity of his duties as a Heritage Troop (Paskibraka), not much is known about Mr. Paskibraka's struggle in saving the red and white flag from the Dutch attack. At that time, the capital of Indonesia was still in Yogyakarta.

Mr. Paskibraka and Husein Mutahar once separated the heritage flag into two different strips of cloth. Red and white in color. Not without reason. He did this in order to save the heritage flag, after Gedung Agung, Yogyakarta was surrounded by the Dutch on December 19, 1948.

Quoting from the writings of Purna Paskibraka 1978 Budiharjo Winarno, President Soekarno summoned Husein Mutahar after the completion of government affairs. They talk to each other in his private room.

Based on the book Bung Karno: The Tongue of the Indonesian People by Cindy Adams, Soekarno gave Husein Mutahar an assignment. He wants the heritage flag to be maintained even if his life is at stake. This task he gave personally to the aide.

"It must not fall into the hands of the enemy," said Bung Karno at the time.
"If God allows it, you will return it to me alone and to no one except the person who replaces me if my life is short," Soekarno said as quoted from the book.

Separating the Red and White Fabrics
He added if Mutahar died while on duty, he wanted Mutahar to pass on this task to someone else and it had to be handed over to Soekarno alone.

After praying and contemplating while the attack was still in progress, Mutahar immediately removed the stitches that held the red and white cloth on the flag. Using a needle and assisted by Perna Dinata, he removed it carefully.

Finally, the flag that Fatmawati had sewn was successfully separated into two different fabrics. This is to avoid confiscation by the Netherlands.

Bung Karno and Bung Hatta were finally exiled to Sumatra. Meanwhile, Husein Mutahar and several presidential staff were also exiled to Semarang and detained there. However, the two flags remained safe.

Husein Mutahar finally managed to escape to Jakarta. He asked someone to sew the two parts of the heritage flag back together to send it to Bangka via Sujono, an Indonesian delegation.

Sang Saka Merah Putih finally managed to be returned to Soekarno. The flag made by his wife managed to return to his hands.

H. Husein Mutahar during his life never married but had 8 children with the landlord (6 boys and 2 girls). Some were "handed over" from their widowed mothers or their fathers sometimes before they died. There are also fathers/mothers who voluntarily surrender their children to be recognized as their own children. All of them are married and have 15 grandchildren (7 boys and 8 girls). He died in Jakarta at the age of almost 88 years, June 9, 2004, and was buried at Jeruk Purut Cemetery, South Jakarta.

Thank you for visiting the World Travel Blog.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

11 Free Travel Destinations in Jakarta

Free tours in Jakarta.? There really is.? Right, nothing is free in Jakarta. Eating, drinking even just urinating or defecating, everything has a price. If you think so, it means you don't know Jakarta as a whole. There are many tours in Indonesia that you must visit.

Jakarta is synonymous with bustle and hustle and bustle. To relieve stress and fatigue, usually residents of the capital are busy going on vacation out of town on weekends.
Just look at Puncak and Bandung. Rows of cars with number B plates often flock. As a result, severe traffic jams can not be avoided.

But now, the mindset of only being able to take a vacation outside the capital should start to change. Holidays don't always have to be out of town. It turns out that the city of Batavia has interesting tourist objects that offer serenity.

In fact, there are not a few things that can be obtained cheaply, even for free or free. This also applies to tours in Jakarta, you know. Yup, even though to enter Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, or Ancol and Dufan, you have to spend money just to be able to enter the location, there are a number of tourist attractions in Jakarta, where you can enter and have fun without having to pay a fee to entrance ticket.

Interested in free vacations and tours in Jakarta with your family members or friends this weekend, see a list of a number of fun places.

1. Back to the past - Old City of Jakarta

Who doesn't know Jakarta Old Town? There are lots of fun tours there and it's perfect for those of you who want to feel the sensation of going back in time, to the colonial era when Jakarta was still called Batavia.

For selfie fans, Kota Tua Jakarta has many attractive and suitable spots to be used as a backdrop for your selfies. You can also get an old-school impression if you rent a wardrobe that fits and supports you, and you have to pay for this one.

2. Jakarta Old Town Root House
Who would have thought that in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, there is a contemporary tourist spot that is so unique and attracts attention? This time, Kania would like to invite you to take a peek at the unique Kota Tua Root House located in the Old City of Central Jakarta.

Located not far from the Fatahillah Museum or about 7 minute walk, the Kota Tua Root House leaves a lot of exoticism, charm, and stories that will make you chuckle in awe. Let's visit the Old Town Root House together!
Located not far from the Fatahillah Museum which is known as a beautiful spot for photos, the root house is actually an interesting spot for photos too. Not only that, you can bring out the past in this building because the unique and interesting building is filled with tree roots.
As the center of the Dutch government during the colonial period, it's no wonder that the Old Town in Central Jakarta is indeed filled with architectural treats of old Dutch typical European style houses. This is a Dutch commercial office space in the past. Once used as a church but also long ago used as a warehouse and abandoned. It's a little scary because of the giant tree in the middle, but don't worry. Come here sometime if you are on vacation.

3. Fun Lake in the Center of the Capital - Situ Lembang Park
This free tourist destination in Jakarta is one of the most hits in the capital. Various fun and exciting rides can be enjoyed by the old to the young. Want to just relax, fishing or walking around Situ Lembang is also fun.
Tidak hanya itu saja, di momen waktu tertentu, khususnya di sore hari, kamu bisa menikmati suasana yang syahdu dan menenangkan. Hal semacam ini bukan hal yang mudah ditemukan di Jakarta, lho!

4. Fantastic urban park – Suropati Park
Urban parks are always interesting to visit, especially those in Jakarta. How could I not, besides being a fun place, the facilities are also adequate.
The highlight of this park is the shady atmosphere. Shady trees, a clean area and a tropical theme that is put forward has made this Suropati Park one of the favorite destinations for urban Jakartans.

5. Tabebuya Park
As we can see in the picture, this park is a beautiful lotus pond destination that is quite famous in Jakarta. Usually, this destination is used as a place for jogging and relaxing.

One of the famous spots here is the Tabebuia tree from Brazil whose flowers are pink like the cherry blossoms in Japan. Very beautiful!

Address: Jl Moh Kahfi I, Ciganjur, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

6. Heaven for lovers of vintage goods – Antique Market, Jl. Surabaya, Cikini
So, for those of you who are interested in old-school items, aka vintage, the Antique Market on Jalan Surabaya, Cikini is the main destination for hunting. From antique clocks to unique old telephones, it's all here. Want to have it, please test your bargaining skills, OK!
For photography enthusiasts, many spots in the Antique Market in Cikini are Instagenic. In fact, it's not uncommon for people to take pre-wedding photos in this area to get a vintage and oldies impression.

7. Museum that is Anti-Mainstream - Central Garden Museum
Not all museums present a boring atmosphere, such as the Tengah Kebun Museum. Starting from the location, and the atmosphere to the items on display, everything is fun, exciting, and anti-mainstream.
Namun, untuk menikmati museum ini kamu harus melakukan booking tempat dan kunjungan juga harus berkelompok, antara tujuh dan 12 orang. Biayanya? Gratis kok!

8. Fun Green Room on the edge of the Mall – Tribeca Park
Tired of exploring Central Park Mall, you can immediately take a look at Tribeca Park which is next to it. Guaranteed, physical and mental fatigue can fade instantly seeing the beautiful and calming atmosphere at this location.
A variety of colorful plants, a cool garden landscape, as well as a pond and cute animals in it make this Tribeca park often a reference for taking a short break after seeing the hustle and bustle of the city. Not to mention the breezy wind, which can coax you to sleep for a while, as well as make you forget you're in the capital city which is famous for its heat.

9. Enjoy the cool park in the south of Jakarta - Ayodya Park
While in South Jakarta, you can enjoy the green Ayodya Park, as well as a beautiful man-made lake. The urban facilities offered are quite promising. There is WiFi too, you know!
Apart from that, you can also enjoy a cool atmosphere that usually cannot be found in the middle of Jakarta. Even more exciting, many communal activities are held here, such as unique animal lovers meetings and many others on weekends.

10. Exploring a New Art World – Museum Art Mon Decor
Want to enjoy the works of art from new artists, just head to the Art Mon Decor Museum in the Gunung Sahari area. From paintings to New Art forms, you can see the artist's eccentric style.
The unusual shape of the building makes this museum stand out from its surroundings. Unfortunately, its popularity is still low even though what is offered is quite interesting.

11. Muara Angke Mangrove Forest
Many do not know that in Jakarta there are mangrove forest tourism objects. Muara Angke Forest is the largest extant mangrove forest in Jakarta. The vast expanse of mangrove trees provides its own coolness. This place is perfect for spending time together with family or friends.

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Sunday, April 7, 2019

History of Batik in Indonesia

The history of Batik in Indonesia originally came from the ancestral heritage of the Javanese people and was closely related to the development of the Majapahit Empire and the spread of Islamic teachings in Java at that time. In some notes, the development of batik was mostly carried out during the Mataram Sultanate era, then continued during the Surakarta Sunanate and Yogyakarta Sultanate eras.

Batik art in Indonesia has been known since the time of the Majapahit Kingdom and continued to grow until the next kingdom and its kings. The art of batik in general was widespread in Indonesia and specifically on the island of Java after the late 18th or early 19th century.

Batik art is the art of drawing on cloth for clothing which became one of the cultures of the royal family in ancient Indonesia. Initially, batik activities were limited to the palace, and batik was produced for clothing for kings and government families, and dignitaries. Because many of the dignitaries lived outside the palace, they brought this batik art from the palace and produced it in their respective places.

Gradually the art of batik was imitated by the common people and then expanded so that it became the work of household women to fill their free time.

The coloring materials used when making batik consist of native Indonesian plants which are made by themselves, including noni tree, Tinggi, soga, and indigo. The soda material is made from ash soda, while the salt is made from mud soil.

In its development, the history of batik itself has attracted the attention of officials of the Majapahit Kingdom. At that time also the manufacture of batik has developed. Materials that were originally made of leather and so on have now changed to the white cloth or light-colored cloth. Because it is felt from the white cloth itself the motifs obtained are more durable and can be used for wider utilization.

The motives are not only about animals and plants. But now motifs such as abstract motifs, temple motifs, cloud motifs, wayang beber motifs, and so on, have been used at that time, namely when the Majapahit Kingdom was founded.

The batik motif itself is still not varied. The patterns and motifs are still dominant in the form of plants and animals. The batik craftsmen are also still not too many. At that time making batik was only used as a pleasure for the craftsmen themselves.
From the beginning of the history of batik, it eventually spread throughout other kingdoms. Because of the popularity of batik, finally, officials from the Kingdom of Mataram, the Kingdom of Majapahit, the Kingdom of Demak, and the kingdoms that followed made batik a cultural symbol.

But when Islam came and influenced many people, the animal-shaped batik motifs were removed. Because batik cloth in the shape of animals is considered to violate Islamic law. So that the motive has been removed and eliminated. Unless the creation is disguised using other paintings.

Indonesian Batik has become increasingly famous after receiving recognition from UNESCO which decided to Indonesian Batik as a world heritage and one of the humanitarian heritages for oral and non-material culture. This recognition was carried out officially at the UNESCO meeting in Abu Dhabi on October 2, 2009, becoming an important milestone for the existence of Batik in the international world. In a very long span of time, batik was present in the archipelago. Batik has been around since the days of Indonesia's ancestors.

The word batik comes from a combination of two Javanese words: amba, which means 'to write', and point, which means 'point'. Although the word batik comes from the Javanese language, the presence of batik in Java itself is not recorded. G.P. Rouffaer argues that the technique of batik may have been introduced in India or Sri Lanka in the 6th or 7th century. On the other hand, J.L.A. Brandes, a Dutch archaeologist, and F.A. Sutjipto, an Indonesian historian, believe that the batik tradition is native to areas such as Toraja, Flores, Halmahera, and Papua. It should be noted that the region is not an area influenced by Hinduism, but is known to have an ancient tradition of making batik.

If seen from the beginning of the history of batik, began in the 17th century AD. At that time batik was still written and painted only on lower leaves and traditional house boards.

G.P. Rouffaer also reported that the grinning pattern had been known since the 12th century in Kediri, East Java. He concluded that a pattern like this could only be formed by using the canting tool, so he argued that the canting was found in Java around that time. The details of the cloth carvings resembling batik patterns are worn by Prajnaparamita, a statue of the Buddhist goddess of wisdom from East Java in the 13th century. The details of the garments feature an intricate pattern of vines of plants and flowers similar to the traditional Javanese batik patterns that can be found today. This shows that making intricate batik patterns that can only be made with a canting was known in Java as early as the 13th century or even earlier.

Meanwhile, in the legend in Malay literature of the 17th century, Sulalatus Salatin, tells of Admiral Hang Nadim who was ordered by Sultan Mahmud to sail to India in order to get 140 pieces of litter cloth with patterns of 40 types of flowers on each sheet. Unable to fulfill the order, she made the cloth herself. But unfortunately, his ship sank on the way home and he was only able to bring four sheets, which disappointed the Sultan. Then the four pieces of cloth are interpreted as batik.

In European literature, the batik technique was first described in the book History of Java, London, 1817 written by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. He had been the British Governor in Java when Napoleon occupied the Netherlands. In 1873 a Dutch merchant, Van Rijekevorsel, gave a piece of the batik he had obtained during a visit to Indonesia to the Ethnic Museum in Rotterdam in the early 19th century. It was then that batik began to reach its golden age. When exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1900, Indonesian batik amazed the public and artists.

Then since industrialization and globalization, which introduced automation techniques, new types of batik emerged, known as stamped batik and printed batik. Traditional batik, which is produced by handwriting techniques using canting and wax, it is called written batik. Hugh Clifford recorded this batik industry to produce rainbow fabrics and teleport fabrics.

In the end, batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture, especially in Java. Since ancient times, women have made their skills in batik a livelihood. So in the past batik work was exclusively women's work. Until the invention of the "Batik Cap" which allowed men to enter this field. Then there is the phenomenon of coastal batik which has masculine lines that can be seen in the “Mega Mendung” style. For people in this coastal area, batik work is a custom for men.

Speaking of batik traditions, at first batik was a hereditary tradition from the Javanese people. Maybe, sometimes a motif can be identified as coming from a certain family of batik. Some batik may indicate the status of a person. Even today, some traditional batik motifs are only used by the Yogyakarta and Surakarta Palace families. The Cirebon batik is patterned with sea creatures and Chinese influence.

In Indonesian history, batik later became the clothing worn by figures, from the pre-independence period to the present. In the early 1980s, during his foreign diplomacy, President Soeharto said that batik was inherited from Indonesian ancestors, especially the Javanese, which is still worn by various groups and ages.

With the recognition of UNESCO and the establishment of National Batik Day every October 2, Batik is increasingly positioned not only as Indonesian culture but also as the identity and identity of the Indonesian nation.

Technically, Indonesian batik is considered full of symbols and culture that is closely related to the life of the people themselves. That way the original batik from Indonesia cannot be claimed by other countries. Because previously batik had been claimed as the ancestral heritage of other countries.
Indonesian Batik is widely known throughout the world. Not only famous by the Javanese, batik itself has spread to all the islands in Indonesia.

Batik-patterned clothes are no longer only worn by the Javanese. Now batik cloth itself is considered formal clothing suitable for use in any event. In fact, it's not just people who are aristocrats, young people throughout Indonesia also often wear batik-patterned clothes.

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