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Saturday, July 19, 2014

The exoticism of Sundak Beach, South Mountain, Yogyakarta

The exoticism of Sundak Beach, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta
The exoticism of Sundak Beach, South Mountain, Yogyakarta - Sundak Beach is a beach tourism located in Sidoharjo Village, Tepus District, Pule Gundes Hamlet, South Mountain Regency. The location of Sundak Beach is still one lane with beaches in South Mountain such as Kukup Beach, Krakal, Baron, and Drini Beach. Sundak Beach turns out to have its own uniqueness compared to other beaches in South Mountain Regency, Yogyakarta, for example, the name of this Sundak beach. Previously, Sundak beach was named Wedimbedah, which means split sand. This is because during the rainy season water from the mainland flows to the beach and divides the beach sand like a small river. Then in 1976, the name of the beach was changed 1976 to Sundak Beach. This is taken from history or legend that has happened before, where the name Sundak itself is taken from a myth where in ancient times there was a fight between two animals, namely ASU in Indonesian, dog, and hedgehog. But what is interesting about the fight between the two animals is not just a mythical fight, but this actually happened at that time.

History of Sundak Beach
In ancient times, there was a dog belonging to a local resident named Arjasangku who was looking for food on the beach until the dog found a porcupine in a cave formed from a rock, which is not far from the beach. At that time there was a fight between the two animals and finally, the dog won and ate the hedgehog. Arjasangku, who saw his dog coming out of the cave carrying the porcupine's body, immediately checked into the cave. The reason is, besides being surprised by the pieces that his dog brought, he also wondered why when he came out of the cave his dog was drenched. Unexpectedly, apart from finding the body of a porcupine, he also found a spring. The news of the discovery of this spring soon spread because the people around Sundak have been living in a drought. From then on, the name Wedimbedah was changed to Sundak.

Apart from the background of its name, Sundak Beach also presents a special natural panorama. The coral cliffs on the east and west sides of Sundak, for example, are great for taking photos as a background. Sundak's stretch of white sand also adds to the beauty of the beach. Even though the coastline is not that long, the beauty of Sundak is supported by its cleanliness. And interestingly there are small corals that stretch up to 30 meters from the beach. The rocks are flat and the surface is not rough, instead, it feels soft on the feet. This is because the corals are covered with sea plants that resemble grass.

Access to Sundak Beach
If you take public transportation, you can take a bus from the Giwangan terminal. After an hour's journey, you will arrive at the Wonosari market. Get off and look for a small bus towards Baron or Krakal Beach. After riding the small bus for 40 minutes to an hour you will arrive at Sundak.

Entry fees to Sundak beach cost IDR.2000 per person. Plus parking fee IDR. 2000 for motorbikes and IDR. 3000 for cars if you bring a private car.